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piercing the corporate veilstresses
gen. отмена корпоративного иммунитета (Libelle); протыкание корпоративной вуали (A legal concept through which a corporation's shareholders, who generally are shielded from liability for the corp's activities, can be held responsible for certain actions. Found on lectlaw.com Alexander Demidov); снятие корпоративной вуали (Charging normally immune corporate officers, shareholders, and so on with personal liability for the corporation's wrongdoing. WL Alexander Demidov)
law привлечение участников / акционеров общества к ответственности по обязательствам общества; заглядывание за корпоративную завесу (Leonid Dzhepko); пронзание корпоративной вуали (MichaelBurov)
pierce the corporate veil
gen. снять корпоративную завесу (Lavrov); снять корпоративную вуаль (where a shareholder or director of a company may be held liable (=legally responsible) for a company's debts or liabilities despite the general principle that a company's shareholders and employees are immune from civil lawsuits filed against it: Judge Gordon ordered that the corporate veil be pierced on a list of Palmer's companies so they could be properly investigated. Other ⃝ lift the corporate veil Phrase Bank ⃝ The question of whether to pierce the corporate veil is one of fact. ⃝ The veil may not be pierced absent a showing of improper conduct. ⃝ Seeking to pierce the corporate veil, he asked the court to declare the company's directors liable for the debt. Additional Notes ⃝ If a corporation has issued stock and held regular meetings of shareholders and directors, it is unlikely a judge will pierce the corporate veil unless there is proof that the corporation was created to accomplish a fraud on those dealing with it. TED Alexander Demidov)
law поднять корпоративную вуаль (lin.ru Alexander Oshis); привлечь акционеров компании к ответственности за действия компании (smeyus); возложить ответственность самостоятельного юридического лица на акционеров (участников Alexander Oshis)
piercing the corporate veil
: 2 phrases in 1 subject