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physical designstresses
comp., MS физическая структура (The third major stage in the design process, in which the project team determines how to specifically implement the logical design. Physical design addresses the technology that will be used by the end user. The goal is to apply real-world technology constraints to the logical design, such as implementation and performance considerations. Physical design corresponds to a contractor's blueprints for the physical elements of a structure-wiring, plumbing, heating, and ventilation. The contractor's plans add detail to the architect's plans and reflect real-world construction constraints)
house. проектирование реальной конструкции
IT топологический проект (ИС); физическая реализация (хранения, записи и считывания данных); проектирование на физическом уровне (в отличие от логического)
microel. проектирование профиля
physical design: 9 phrases in 6 subjects
Automated equipment2
Oil processing plants1
Weapons of mass destruction1