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on the clockstresses
gen. в рабочее время (жарг. masizonenko); на дежурстве (тж. о полицейских Taras); на службе (напр., о сотр. полиции: off the clock – не на службе Taras)
auto. на щитке (разг., в знач. "на одометре": ...my 8-year-old Honda Verizon that has 75,000 miles on the clock. 4uzhoj)
idiom. на работе (markovka)
inf. почасовую (работать) США greenuniv); на почасовой оплате (Ryan: "Dammit, we've hit every single red light on the way!" Kevin: "Don't worry about it, Chief. We're on the clock!" VLZ_58); на рабочем месте (Whatever you're doing can probably wait until you're back on the clock come Monday morning. VLZ_58); работающий по счётчику (о таксистах VLZ_58)
sport. chiefly sports drafts Under scrutiny due to having to make a decision or produce results within a set period of time. The Minnesota Timberwolves were on the clock with the ninth pick in the draft in 2013 and Trey Burke was there for the taking. – На драфте 2013 г. право выбора игрока под № 9 принадлежало "Миннесоте", и можно было выбрать Трея Бурка. Руководство команды обдумывало этот вариант, но ... (VLZ_58); иметь в распоряжении (chiefly sports drafts Under scrutiny due to having to make a decision or produce results within a set period of time. ...associated with the NFL Draft, wherein each pro team has 15 minutes per round during the draft to decide, among many aspiring athletes, who to draft as a player. Словосочетание нуждается в контекстуальном переводе: The Minnesota Timberwolves were on the clock with the ninth pick in the draft in 2013 and Trey Burke was there for the taking. – На драфте 2013 г. право выбора игрока под № 9 принадлежало "Миннесоте", и можно было выбрать Трея Бурка. Руководство команды обдумывало этот вариант... VLZ_58)
on the clock
: 71 phrases in 12 subjects
Mass media1