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ominous [ˈɒmɪnəs] adj.stresses
gen. зловещий (From their town the Lonely Mountain was mostly screened by the low hills at the far end of the lake ... Only its high peak could they see in clear weather, and they looked seldom at it, for it was ominous and dreary even in the light of morning. • Nothing moved in the waste, save the vapour and the water, and every now and again a black and ominous crow. • The sun is gone, the wind is blowing cold, and a wall of differing shades of grey looms around us. It seems huge, overpowering. The prairie here is huge but above it the hugeness of this ominous grey mass ready to descend is frightening.); угрожающий (But with international attempts to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine effectively shredded, Biden's visit appears largely symbolic and takes place against a backdrop of ominous Kremlin rhetoric. 4uzhoj); не предвещающий ничего хорошего (Mermaiden); жутковатый (Баян); предвещающий недоброе; недобрый (Pickman); предзнаменовательный; предсказательный
: 33 phrases in 8 subjects
Mass media2
Public relations1