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of sortsstresses
of a sort; см. тж. out of sorts
gen. в некотором роде (in a way; partially or not entirely: He wrote a polite retraction, as an apology of sorts for his harsh words.); своего рода (a vacation of sorts • In the formal publication of the Bottom-Up Review, this problem was covered by a fig leaf of sorts. • According to Biskind, 'Einstein was never a favourite of the authorities', and in 'making an Einstein figure the hero of sorts, The Day the Earth Stood Still was crawling far out on a very thin limb.); кое-какой; посредственный (There was a garden of sorts below with those dismal box hedges the Parisians think smart.); худо-бедно (Alexander Demidov); так себе; этакий (Andrew052); некий (некое объяснение – an explanation of sorts Liv Bliss); средний (VLZ_58); средненький (VLZ_58); звёзд с неба не хватающий (VLZ_58); с некоторой натяжкой (inna203); ничего из себя не представляющий (VLZ_58); в некотором смысле (Yet once, he, too, had had a family, of sorts, he was close to.); некое подобие (He managed to make a curtain of sorts out of an old sheet. • Made a screwdriver of sorts for the locking screw on my planes. Piece of hardwood, a bit of copper pipe and a chunk cut out of a sliding bolt thing. 4uzhoj); какой-нибудь (4uzhoj); любой более-менее приличный (4uzhoj); что-то вроде (He managed to make a curtain of sorts out of an old sheet. • He repeatedly stabs the block of ice with a tocha – a screwdriver of sorts – to break it in half. 4uzhoj); некоторым образом
Игорь Миг того или иного рода; если можно так выразиться; что-то типа; что-то вроде; в определённом смысле
inf. нечто вроде (and left an obituary of sorts. It rhymes – from the movie Righteous Kill Tamerlane)
ironic. с позволения сказать (вводное выражение Abysslooker)
 English thesaurus
of sorts
gen. resembling; similar to; in a way; partially or not entirely (He wrote a polite retraction, as an apology of sorts for his harsh words. • The Mountain versus the Hound played out entertainingly, with the elder Clegane still outmatching his younger brother pound for pound and blow for blow. Being turned into a walking zombie of sorts didn’t just amplify his strength; it essentially obviated the need to parry blows, as even Sandor sinking his sword deep into his undead brother didn’t seem to slow him down in the slightest. wiktionary.org); used to describe something that is not a typical or good example of something (also "of a sort": He managed to make a curtain of sorts out of an old sheet. cambridge.org); used when something is not a good or typical example of its kind of thing (I had a conversation of sorts with a very drunk man at the bus stop. ldoceonline.com); of a somewhat unusual or inferior kind (The training camp actually became a tourist attraction of sorts • It would be reasonable to conclude Princess Diaries 2 offered a refuge of sorts. • I'm going to have to come up with a game of sorts with rules and things. • I was at a party of sorts at the weekend, although it was an older persons party. • On the fourth day of Eid, one of my uncles absolutely insisted on a family reunion of sorts at his house. • Red House is a museum of sorts furnished as it was like in the mid 1800's with a very good, well stocked garden. • Then the veteran of the Canadian metal scene then went on a sabbatical of sorts. • The campaign is also a ready reckoner of sorts for those who are still not sure of traffic rules and signs. • Then came some more shocking photos and an apology of sorts on Thursday. • They met on Easter Sunday, 1995, a day which marks a resurrection of sorts for Barker. • He clearly feels the fame, of sorts, now conferred upon him is unwarranted. lexico.com); of a type that is not exactly the same as the actual thing, or is not as good as the actual thing (She’s an artist of sorts. macmillandictionary.com); of one kind or another (He knew many folktales of sorts. thefreedictionary.com); of an inferior kind (There was a garden of sorts below with those dismal box hedges the Parisians think smart. • Yet once, he, too, had had a family, of sorts, he was close to. collinsdictionary.com); of various kinds (collinsdictionary.com); of an indefinite kind (I turned and followed the agaves and came to a track of sorts. collinsdictionary.com); in some respects but not entirely or truly (a vacation of sorts merriam-webster.com)
of sorts
: 553 phrases in 40 subjects
American usage, not spelling5
Aviation medicine1
Cliche / convention1
Figure of speech1
Information technology1
Meaning 11
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation3
Obsolete / dated1
Quotes and aphorisms1