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noun | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
N [en] nstresses
chess.term. конь
n [en] n
gen. 14-я буква английского алфавита
NS n
el. DNS-запись
Gruzovik, scient. атомоход (nuclear ship)
Ns n
Makarov. нильсборий (nielsbohrium; 105-й элемент)
NS abbr.
gen. Национальное общество (Красного Креста или Красного Полумесяца; National Society Дюнан); одна из ведущих железнодорожных компаний США (soa.iya)
avia. б/у в новом состоянии (new surplus – состояние авиационной запасной части (была продана организации и могла использоваться, но находится в новом состоянии) Hinter_Face)
chem. среднее содержание сульфата (normal sulphate Kseniya_V_A)
comp., net. служба именования
drw. условный диаметр (nominal size Taras)
el. сервер доменных имён; сервер системы DNS; запись с указанием сервера доменных имён в DNS-ресурсе
Gruzovik, mil. классификация секретности в НАТО (NATO Secret секретно НАТО)
Gruzovik, scient. атомное судно (nuclear ship)
math. незначимый (not significant)
med. физраствор (normal saline umidasadykova); ядерная склеротическая (о катаракте; nuclear sclerotic irchi_shi)
oil национальный стандарт (National standard); не оговорённый техническими условиями (non-standard); нестандартный (non-standard); проявления в скважине отсутствуют (no shows)
product. азотно-кислородная станция (Yeldar Azanbayev)
progr. услуга сетевого уровня (ssn); УСУ (услуга сетевого уровня ssn)
ns abbr.
mil. наносекунда; нс
tech. нейтральная скорость
 English thesaurus
Ns abbr.
abbr. nimbo-stratus
abbr., earth.sc. nepheline syenite
NS abbr.
abbr. National Security; North And South; North South; Not Submitted; Not Sure; Na Silicate; Name Space; Nano Second; Nano Seconds; National Socialism; National special (thread); national standard; National Steel Corporation; NATO secret; NATO standard; NATO surveillance; Naval School; Navigation Subsystems; NAVSHIPS publication; near side; Nearby Star; Network Series; Network Server; nanosecond (1ns= 10⁻⁹s); Nippon Shikiso Mfg. Co., Ltd.; Norske Standard; Nova Scotia; New Style; Newspaper Society; Newsweek (daily, USA); Nice And Simple; Nice Simple; Nice Smart; nickel steel; No Shit; No Shoot; No Shunt; No Skirt; No Swap; Node Switches; Noisy Sucker; Non Sale; Non Scheduled; Non Sequitur; Non Smoker; Non Submitted; Non Supervisory; Non Symmetric; nonscheduled; nonstandard; Norfolk Southern Railway Company; North Sea; nuclear ship; nuclear systems; Nuclear Ship
abbr., anim.husb. natural service
abbr., astr., scient. Neutron Star
abbr., auto. navigation system
abbr., avia. nacelle station; navigational system; national special thread; no smoking; noise standard; non symmetry; normal spin; normal stall; nose section
abbr., bank. not sufficient funds (Yuriy83)
abbr., BrE nursing sister
abbr., busin. no specimen; none in stock; no-show
abbr., chem., scient. Not Significant
abbr., comp., net. Name Services; Nonsharable; neighbor solicitation
abbr., comp., net., IT Name Server; Network Simulator
abbr., drug.name Normal saline solution 0.9% sodium chloride
abbr., earth.sc. Natural Sciences Department (UNESCO); Navigation Society; Navigation Society (China); Norway Standard; Northern and Southern Hemisphere; Number of State Variables
abbr., econ. not in stock
abbr., ed. natural sciences and engineering (oxana135)
abbr., ed., scient. Not Satisfactory
abbr., el. National Semiconductor Corp.; national system; naval station; near shot; nested structure; network security; network station; network switch; network subsystem; network synchronization; network system; Nippon Standard; node store; noise sensitivity; noise shaping; nonsequenced; nonsingularity; non-standard; normalized spectrum; not-specified; nuclear system
abbr., electr.eng. number of secondary turns
abbr., file.ext. Network Supervisor; Non Stop
abbr., footb. not started (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., geogr. Nova Scotia (провинция в Канаде Гера)
abbr., IT National Semiconductor; Next Step; Not Shown; Not Supported
abbr., med. Nasospinale; Nephrotic Syndrome; No Show, Nonspecific; Netherton Syndrome; Neurological Surgery, Neurosurgery; Nodular Sclerosis (classical Hodgkin Lymphoma); Nonserrated Cells (type Of Basal Epidermal Cells); Noonan Syndrome; normal saline; Nutrition Society; normal saline (Vosoni); nephrosclerosis; nervous system; neurologic survey; nonspecific; nonstutterer; normal saliva; normal serum; no side ports; no added sugar; not seen; number of developing symptoms; Nursing Service; no sequelae; nylon suture; nephrosis
abbr., media. No Show
abbr., met. notch strength
abbr., mil. Network Services; Non Standard; Not Specified; nuclear survivability
abbr., nurs. Nurses Station; Nursing Student
abbr., oil no show (andrushin); not shot; American National Special Thread; natural surfactant; near surface; net sand; net saving; no sample; no survey; non-staining; nonionic surfactant; normal system; Norsk Standard; north-south; not sought; not stable; not shoot (shot); number of sample
abbr., physiol. Non-Specific
abbr., physiol., med. Non Specific
abbr., polit. Suriname
abbr., polym. natural synthetic; new series; nonstaining; not specified; not sufficient
abbr., progr. network service (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Natural Selection
abbr., R&D. not stated (capricolya)
abbr., radio nimbostratus (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., railw. N. V. Nederlandse Spoorwegen
abbr., scient. Natural Science
abbr., space narrow scan; national shopping; nichrome steel; noise source; noise suppressor
abbr., telecom. night service
abbr., textile national sovereignty; nylon strap
energ.ind. near-site; neutron source; new source; nuclear safety; nuclear science; numerical simulation
med. nephrotic syndrome (Chita)
mil. national service; naval ship; naval shipyard; night sight; not stocked; nuclear submarine; nuclear support
O&G non-contaminated sewer
oil, abbr. no shot
physiol. Normal saline (ie 09% NaCl)
physiol., med. Nerves; Neurosurgery
tech. name service; navigation satellite; new signal; new system; no shows; noncompetitive system; nonseismic; normally shut; not signed; nuclear shuttle; nuclear society
ns abbr.
gen. ns
abbr., el. nanosecond
polym. number of stacks (multiple layers with the same repeated sequence that is symmetric about the midplane bonly); stacking sequence (bonly)
Ns abbr.
abbr. newton second (thrust)
abbr., mil., avia. nielsbohrium
NS# abbr.
abbr., post No Such Number (return to sender)
ns. abbr.
abbr., econ. not specified
: 142 phrases in 38 subjects
Armored vehicles2
Clinical trial1
Energy industry4
Food industry1
Gold mining1
Information technology1
Mass media2
Medical appliances2
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Nuclear physics1
Occupational health & safety3
Oil and gas1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Textile industry1
Радиоактивное излучение2