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nit [nɪt] nstresses
gen. орех; курсант авиашколы; гнида (the egg of a louse, which sticks to the fur of an animal or the hair of a person); военный полицейский
astr. децимиллистильб
austral. тупица (Gilbert); глупец (Gilbert)
brit. идиот (Anglophile)
Gruzovik, math. нит (unit of information wikipedia.org)
inf. кретин; мразь
Makarov. нит (нт)
media. нит, нт (метрическая единица яркости, равная одной канделе на квадратный метр)
phys. нит (единица яркости); нит
slang ничтожество; дрянь; гнида; нуль
nits n
biol. головные вши (KristinaRusnak)
oil технические единицы размерности
tech. эмаль с мелкими кратерами
 English thesaurus
NIT [nɪt] abbr.
abbr. Not Important Tournament; Not Interesting Tournament; Notice Inviting Tender (smovas); National Intelligence Topic; negative income tax; Nonlinear Inertialess Three-pole; Notice of invitation to tender (smovas)
abbr., avia. Niort, France
abbr., busin. Notice of invitation for tender (smovas)
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Information Table
abbr., ed. Non Instructional Time
abbr., el. national information application technology certificate; nearly intelligent terminal; network interface task; node initialization table; nuclear irradiation test
abbr., hindi New Industrial Township (nerzig)
abbr., inet. Now Is The Time
abbr., med. nasal itch (Игорь_2006)
abbr., mil. Near Infrared Transmittance; Network Integration Test; nuclear incident team
abbr., physiol. noninvasive testing
abbr., physiol., med. Nitrate
abbr., scient. National Institute of Technology
abbr., sport. National Invitational Tournament; Not In Tournament
meteorol. night
tech. neon indicator tube
nit [nɪt] abbr.
abbr., opt. nt
NITS abbr.
abbr. Network Independent Transport Service
abbr., mil., avia. network interface to tactical communications
abbr., oil National Technical Information Service
nit. abbr.
abbr. night
polym. nitrate
NiT [nɪt] abbr.
abbr., oil nickel tungsten alloys
: 46 phrases in 13 subjects
Cosmetics and cosmetology1
Figure of speech1
Information technology1