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national defense reserve fleetstresses
mil. резервный флот грузовых судов национальной обороны
National Defense Reserve Fleet
mil., avia. национальный резервный флот, используемый в интересах обороны
nautic. резервный флот национальной обороны (торговых судов)
USA Резерв морского транспортного флота (clck.ru dimock)
 English thesaurus
National Defense Reserve Fleet
mil., abbr. NDRF (US)
USA Including the Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force, a fleet composed of ships acquired and maintained by the Maritime Administration for use in mobilization or emergency. see also Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force; Less the Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force, a fleet composed of the older dry cargo ships, tankers, troop transports, and other assets in Maritime Administration’s custody that are maintained at a relatively low level of readiness (JP 4-01.2) see also Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force