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nD abbr.stresses
IT n-мерный (DAKK)
ND abbr.
avia. "Я не в состоянии передать сообщение, адресованное воздушному судну, пожалуйста, поставьте в известность отправителя" (код связи)
dril. простаивающая скважина (not drilling; в процессе бурения); неизмеряемая (not determined; о величине); некритичная (not determined; о величине); не определённый (not determined; о параметре)
geogr. Северная Дакота (штат США jatros)
Gruzovik, scient. естественная тяга (natural draught); дефектная ведомость (notice of default)
math. нормальное распределение (normal distribution); отрицательно определённый (negative defined); количественное распределение (numeric distribution lider)
O&G простаивающий (о скважине в процессе бурения; not drilling)
oil не обладающий поверхностной активностью (nondetergent)
ophtalm. negative dysphotopsia, отрицательная дисфотопсия (оптический феномен, возникающий после имплантации ИОЛ doc090)
pharm. Н/О (не обнаружено olga don)
nd abbr.
book. дата публикации отсутствует (User)
Nd abbr.
cosmet. неодимовый (лазер Tiny Tony)
tech. неодим
NDМВ abbr.
amer. Национальная комиссия по конфликтам в оборонной сфере (одно из гос. учреждений, созданных в период проведения администрацией Ф. Д. Рузвельта `НОВОГО КУРСА`, т.н. "алфавитных ведомств" Aly19)
 English thesaurus
nD abbr.
abbr. refractive index (D line)
ND abbr.
abbr. National Defense; Naturopathic Doctor; New Design; Next Day; No Doubt; Non Domestic; North Dakota; Not Done; Deputy CINCNORAD; Narrow Design; NASA document; Native Defect; Navy Department; need; Needs Direction; Net Preferred Stock; Network Director; Network Drive; Neutron Detector; New Donor; No Davie; No Depression; No Depth; No Diggity; No Dolby; no drawing; No Drinking; Non Deployed; Non Directional; Non Dithering; Non Duplex; Non- Distended; National Distillers and Chemical Corp.; natural draught (draft); nothing doing; Nonsharable Device; Normal Deployment (Posture); Nostalgic And Dead; Not Detonate; No Date
abbr., agric. national dairy (products); Newcastle disease
abbr., anim.husb. nitrogen digestibility
abbr., auto. neutral shift/drive shift; non destructive
abbr., avia. network diagram; normative document; nose dome; nose down; notching die
abbr., busin. national domicile; net debt; not dated; nude
abbr., chem., scient. Neodymium
abbr., commer. national distribtutor (Е. Тамарченко, 02.05.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
abbr., comp., net. neighbor discovery
abbr., earth.sc. neutron diffraction; normal distribution; normal duty; normalized difference; normalized difference vegetation index; nuclear data; nuclear decay; number of detections
abbr., ed., scient. No Degree; Notre Dame
abbr., el. natural deduction; needle drop; network disk; no delay; noise detector; non-destructive; normal drying; not-detectable (defect); nozzle distance; neutral-density (filter)
abbr., el., scient. Neutral Density filter; No Discrimination
abbr., genet. neonatal death
abbr., geol. natural draught (draft)
abbr., IT New Data; No Data; Neighbor Discovery (Protocol); no date; no detect
abbr., lab.eq. Not Detectable
abbr., law Name Description; No Description
abbr., libr. National Institute of Informatics
abbr., med. Neurologic Deficit; Normal Delivery; notifiable disease (заболевание, выявленный случай которого, согласно закону, требует сообщения в органы власти, например, особо опасные инфекции Dimpassy); noise disease (ННатальЯ); Doctor of Naturopathy (proponent of unproven methods); Doctor of Nursing; national diary products; neoplastic diseases; nervous debility; not diagnosed; needle chest-decompression
abbr., mil. No Defense; Non Detectable; Not Detected; Not Determined
abbr., mining. non-delay
abbr., nautic., scient. Neutral Density
abbr., oil nipple down (andrushin); non-detergent; not determined; not drilling; national diploma; natural depletion; natural diamond; network device; neutron density; no dated; no detailed data; no discount; nodal displacement; non-destructive; non-detected; north departure; not drilled; number of deficit
abbr., ophtalm. Norrie disease (болезнь Норри pediatricrrf.org doc090)
abbr., opt. neutral density
abbr., pharma. Normative Documentation (paseal)
abbr., physiol., med. No Difference
abbr., polym. not detected
abbr., progr. node descriptor (ssn)
abbr., scottish National Defence; Navigation Display; Non-Detectable
abbr., shipb. Naval Department
abbr., space non-directional
abbr., sport. No Decision
abbr., tech. nominal diameter (LyuFi)
abbr., work.fl. non-descriptor
energ.ind. N-dimensional; numerical differentiation
insur. non-delivery
mil. national defense; naval district; nondelay; nondirectional; nuclear detonation; nuclear device
tech. national dairy products; natural draft; navigational display; neutral-density filter; no delivery; non detected; nondetergent; normally deenergized
nd abbr.
abbr. next day; no decision; non-drying
abbr., earth.sc. needle
book. No Date of Publication (User)
econ. national debt
O&G water Monitoring Evaluations (In addition to CEI activities, CMEs include sampling and analysis of the facility's ground water monitoring system and hydrogeological conditions)
Nd abbr.
abbr. neodymium
abbr., med. number of dissimilar (matches)
energ.ind. on dry fuel basis nitrogen
ND. abbr.
abbr., econ. National Debt
: 164 phrases in 45 subjects
Electrical engineering1
Filming equipment1
Food industry1
Household appliances1
Information technology1
Laser medicine6
Machine tools1
Mass media2
Mechanic engineering1
Medical appliances8
Oil / petroleum13
Oil and gas3
Quantum electronics2
Sakhalin S1
Weapons of mass destruction2