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gen. дифференцированная интеграция (в ЕС. Groups of member states could agree to unify their regulation within the context of a "multi-speed Europe." The second issue is whether the new treaty means that the EU is now irrevocably a multi-speed pick-and-mix project on most matters of importance. For decades the Foreign Office and Treasury have resisted –and said the UK would veto – any moves towards a "two-speed" or "multi-speed" Europe, believing it would lead to pressure on those outside the central core to cede more sovereignty over time. wordnik.com Alexander Demidov); дифференцированный подход (Subsequent treaties have proved that "two-speed" or "multi-speed" means only one federalist direction, with the UK having less and less influence as opportunities for veto have repeatedly been given away. wordnik.com Alexander Demidov)
polym. многоскоростной; с регулируемой скоростью
 English thesaurus
Multi Speed
transp., abbr. MS
multi -speed
: 15 phrases in 8 subjects
Cycling other than sport2
Electric motors1
Wood processing1