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medical proceduresstresses
gen. медицинские манипуляции (Ruslantis; A medical procedure is a course of action intended to achieve a result in the care of persons with health problems. A medical procedure with the intention of determining, measuring or diagnosing a patient condition or parameter is also called a medical test. Other common kinds of procedures are therapeutic (i.e., with the intention or treating, curing or restoring function or structure), including the large group of surgical procedures. Rehabilitation procedures are included in this group. WAD Юрий Гейфман)
medical procedure
gen. медицинская операция (A medical procedure is a course of action intended to achieve a result in the care of persons with health problems. A medical procedure with the intention of determining, measuring or diagnosing a patient condition or parameter is also called a medical test. Other common kinds of procedures are therapeutic (i.e., with the intention or treating, curing or restoring function or structure), including the large group of surgical procedures. Rehabilitation procedures are included in this group (Wiki) Alexander Demidov); медицинская процедура (A medical procedure is a course of action intended to achieve a result in the care of persons with health problems. A medical procedure with the intention of determining, measuring or diagnosing a patient condition or parameter is also called a medical test. Other common kinds of procedures are therapeutic (i.e., with the intention or treating, curing or restoring function or structure), including the large group of surgical procedures. Rehabilitation procedures are included in this group. Wiki Alexander Demidov)
medical procedures
: 10 phrases in 5 subjects
Medical appliances2
Occupational health & safety1
Weapons of mass destruction1