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MCF abbr.stresses
comp., net. процессор управления сообщениями; сигнал подтверждения сообщения MCI интерфейс управления средой передачи данных MCP главная управляющая программа
cosmet. средний щёчный жировой пакет (ННатальЯ)
dril. тысяч кубических футов (mille cubic feet; 28,32 м3)
ed. магистр финансовой инженерии (сокр. от "master of computational finance" Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, IT формат метасодержания (meta-content format)
Gruzovik, mil. семейство военных ЭВМ (military computer family)
Gruzovik, scient. монолитный кварцевый фильтр (monolithic crystal filter)
IT сигнал подтверждения сообщения
med. КМЛ (MichaelBurov); кожномышечный лоскут (MichaelBurov); кожно-мышечный лоскут (MichaelBurov); мышечно-кожный лоскут (MichaelBurov)
O&G тыс. куб. футов (MichaelBurov); тыс. куб. фут (MichaelBurov)
oil тысяча кубических футов; 1000кубических футов
tech. минимальный непрерывный расход (minimum continuous flow YGA)
Mcf abbr.
O&G, sakh. тысяч куб. футов (газа)
 English thesaurus
mcf abbr.
abbr. microfarad
MCF abbr.
abbr. McCarty Cancer Foundation; Mini Community Forum; Meta Content Framework / Format (Apple, WWW); Mesostructured cellular foam (mangoo); magnetic card file
abbr., anat. middle cranial fossa (Игорь_2006)
abbr., astronaut. modular combustion facility; Master Control Facility (semfromshire)
abbr., avia. message code and format; million of cubic feet
abbr., busin. mille cubic feet; million cubic feet
abbr., commer. multiple component facility
abbr., comp., net. Mobile Cloud Forum
abbr., dril. thousand cubic feet of gas
abbr., earth.sc. massive calc-silicate facies; metallic conduction factor; model confidence factor; Monte Carlo Forecast Method; multichannel coherence filter
abbr., el. management communication function; master configuration file; master control file; matched cladding fiber; mean carrier frequency; message confirmation; microcleaved facet laser; microcrystalline ferrite; mobile control function; monochip filter; multilayer ceramic frame package
abbr., file.ext. Meta Content Framework; Graphics (Hotsauce); Font file (Mathcad)
abbr., immunol. macrophage cytotoxicity factor
abbr., IT Font file; Graphics; Meta Content Format; message communication function
abbr., med. Mink Cell Focus-forming; Mononuclear Cell Factor; musculocutaneous flap (MichaelBurov); myocutaneous flap (MichaelBurov); macrophage chemotactic factor; macrophage cytotoxic factor; middle cheek fat (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Marine Contingency Force
abbr., mining. " (... August 2022 production flash, month-end stockpiles status and MCFs from which the following executive summary is derived... Сергей Недорезов); mine call factor (... August 2022 production flash, month-end stockpiles status and MCFs from which the following executive summary is derived... Сергей Недорезов)
abbr., O&G thousand cft (MichaelBurov); thousand cu ft (MichaelBurov); thousand cub. ft (MichaelBurov); thousand cubic feet (MichaelBurov); thousand cubic ft (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil meters from casing flange (andrushin); mass concentration factor; matched crystal filter; medium corpuscular fragility; modal confidence factor; multi-channel coherence filter; multi-channel filter; multicontact miscible flood; multiple contact flooding; mutual correlation function
abbr., opt. mutual coherence function
abbr., physiol. mineralized collagen fibril (Игорь_2006)
abbr., proj.manag. meta-content format
abbr., scottish Canon de Moyen Calibre Future (France); Marine Commando Force (Previously IMSF (India)); Mobile Counter Fire (US Marine Corps)
abbr., space maintenance and checkout facility; mission control facility
abbr., st.exch. Muniholdings California Insured Fund, Inc.
abbr., transp. Metroplex Control Facility
energ.ind. magnetic confinement fusion
mil. master code file; military computer family; mine clearing forces; mobile calibration facility
tech. magnetic-confinement fusion; marginal checking failure; monolithic crystal filter
mcf: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Energy industry1