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malware ['mælwɛǝ(r)] nstresses
gen. малвер (computing, Anglicism) malware software developed to harm a computer system: Malware is short for ""malicious software"" and is a catch-all term for viruses, spyware, worms, browser hijackers, etc. CBED wiktionary.org Alexander Demidov); вредоносный код (software such as a virus on a computer or computer network that the user does not know about or want: *the threat posed by malware *How to protect yourself against malware. *Responding to the pop-up will get you a nice case of malware! OALD. попытки внедрения вредоносного кода = malware insertion attempts Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг программа для взлома; ПО для взлома (компьютерных сетей)
bank. вредоносный код
comp., MS вредоносная программа (Software that fulfills the deliberately harmful intent of an attacker when run: Вредоносная программа — программа, предназначенная для осуществления несанкционированного доступа к информации, воздействия на информацию или ресурсы информационной системы.)
comp.sec. вредоносный софт (MichaelBurov); вредоносное ПО ('More); вредонос (разг. усечение. "вредоносное ПО" син. "зловред" 'More)
comp.sl. вредонос (MichaelBurov)
ed. вредоносная программа
hack. зловред (синоним: вредонос Bratets)
jarg. мэлвер (зловред ssn)
law программы, нарушающие работу системы (Malware is a type of computer program that is designed to damage or disrupt a computer. [COMPUTING] * Hackers conceal malware in pop-up windows. CCALD Alexander Demidov); вредные программные компоненты (Programs written with the intent of being disruptive or damaging to (the user of) a computer or other electronic device; viruses, worms, spyware, etc., collectively. 1990 Re: Need Advice on Anti-viral CRC Schem[e] in sci.crypt (Usenet newsgroup) 19 July What malware writers are interested in is in causing damage to as many different users as possible. 1995 Information Week (Nexis) 19 Dec. 62 Fast-propagating malware has been on the increase in recent months, and companies that develop and sell software to stop new forms of damaging code admit they are having difficulty keeping up. 2004 .Net Christmas 21/1 Much of the malware is silently downloaded and installed through designed features or in holes in operating system and applications. OED Alexander Demidov); компьютерные вирусные программы (Malware, short for malicious software, is any software used to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. It can appear in the form of executable code, scripts, active content, and other software. `Malware` is a general term used to refer to a variety of forms of hostile or intrusive sof..... Found on wikipedia.org Alexander Demidov)
progr. вредоносное программное обеспечение (ssn); вредоносное программное средство (м. ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 27033-1-2011 ssn); вредоносные программы (от malicious software; любая программа, действующая против интересов пользователя или владельца компьютерной системы. К нему относятся все виды вирусов, "черви", троянцы, шпионящее ПО и т. п. ssn); злонамеренные программы (напр., вирусы, черви ssn); вредоносный программный код (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
sec.sys. хакерские программы (MichaelBurov); хакерская программа (MichaelBurov); вредоносные коды (Alex_Odeychuk)
 English thesaurus
malware ['mælwɛǝ(r)] n
IT Short for malicious software. Designed to infiltrate, damage or obtain information from a computer system without the owner’s consent (Malware is commonly taken to include computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware and adware. Spyware is generally used for marketing purposes and, as such, is not malicious, although it is generally unwanted. Spyware can, however, be used to gather information for identity theft or other clearly illicit purposes)
malware: 72 phrases in 12 subjects
Computer networks1
Information security and data protection11
Information technology2
Security systems1