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mail coach ['meɪlkəuʧ]stresses
gen. почтовая карета; почтовый дилижанс; почтовый вагон (railway coach specially constructed for the transportation of mail Example Sentences Including 'mail coach' He went away wi "the mail coach this afternoon to see about buying a mare from Hamish Watt. Fraser, Christine Marion NOBLE BEGINNNINGS Our bosses at Norwich Union will let us use their mail coach , but we're after some cash sponsors-so how about it Cap'n? SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (1999) The letter, Sandman thought, must have travelled on the same mail coach that brought him back to London. Bernard Cornwell GALLOWS THIEF (2002) Tomorrow, at dinnertime, you know where the bank is, the mail coach will get you there in the morning and have you back in plenty o" time! Fraser, Christine Marion NOBLE BEGINNNINGS. Collins Alexander Demidov)
Gruzovik, obs. мальпост
gen. почтовая карета; детская коляска
mail -coach
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects