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LS nstresses
industr. светодиодная лента (LED strip Andrey250780)
L [el] n
gen. двенадцатая буква английской азбуки
conv.notation. теплота испарения при постоянном давлении
µL n
gen. микролитры (microlitres Мария100)
l [el] n
gen. 12-я буква английского алфавита
ls abbr.
comp. команда Unix-подобной операционной системы, которое выводит содержимое каталога (evs)
dril. известняки (limestones)
LS abbr.
adv. дальний план
auto.ctrl. МНК (метод наименьших квадратов ssn)
busin. место для печати (locus sigilli)
cables низкодымящий (MichaelBurov); дымобезопасный (MichaelBurov)
ed. биология и химия (Life Science (Lebanese education system) Concentration on Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. These subjects make up 60% of your overall average. Most of the focus is on Biology. 40% of the overall average is on the remaining subjects, which are Arabic language, foreign language, Philosophy, History, Geography, and Civic Education. Open to all university majors, such as Biology, Computer Science, Literature, Psychology, Business etc. Good for students who still haven’t decided on a major just yet.  OstrichReal1979)
formal место печати (Locus Sigilli Johnny Bravo)
math. менее значащий (less significant); младший (о разряде); наименее значимый (least significant); метод наименьших квадратов
med. склероатрофический лишай (MichaelBurov); склеротический лихен (MichaelBurov); склеротический лишай (MichaelBurov); крауроз (MichaelBurov); каплевидная склеродермия (MichaelBurov); болезнь белых пятен (MichaelBurov); склероатрофический лихен (MichaelBurov)
O&G. tech. колонна для спуска (MichaelBurov)
product. график отгрузок (Yeldar Azanbayev)
tech. концевой выключатель (Bobb)
wood. зуб с прямолинейной задней гранью и круглой впадиной
 English thesaurus
ls abbr.
abbr. least significant; left side; lightship; local sunset
abbr., med. labiale superius
nautic. lump sum
ls. abbr.
abbr., libr. libraries
O&G, sakh. limestones
LS abbr.
abbr. Labor Saving; Land Surveyor; List Shows; Labor Service; Lacks Software; LAN Server (IBM); Land Forces, Southern Europe; Language Sensitive; Laser Serial; Laser Servo; land station; learning system; link status; logical station; low structure; Launch Service; launcher site; Law Select; Leading Seaman; Lepidopterists' Society; Letter Signed; Level Subroutine; Licentiate in Surgery; Lifespan Setting; Light Seconds; limestone; Limit State; Limiting switch (soa.iya); Link Server; Link Similar; Link State; Linnaean Society; Linux Standalone; List For Similar; list of spare parts (eternalduck); List Scheduling; List Short; List Star; Little Shit; Local Scope; Locus Sigilli (place of seal); Logic Switch; London Scottish; Long Shen; Long Stroke; Lots Standard; Louisville Field Office; Low Shrinkage; Lucky Sis; light sourse
abbr., agric. Light Sussex
abbr., alum. live steam
abbr., astronaut. Laser Sintering (semfromshire)
abbr., auto. leaf spring; load-sensing; luxe special; luxury sports
abbr., auto.ctrl. least squares (ssn)
abbr., avia. landing strip (Yakov); the last message sent by me was...; last sending; less; line stretcher; bottle liquid scanner; liquid scanner; landmark subsystem; laser sensitometer; laser sensor; lateral separation; lateral stability; lead sealing; library system; light sensitivity; limit speed; limiting speed; line select key; list of specification; longitudinal separation; longitudinal stability
abbr., biol. luteinization stimulator
abbr., BrE Letter Service
abbr., brit., mil. lance sergeant
abbr., busin. language student; line shipping; long sight
abbr., cables low smoke (MichaelBurov)
abbr., cartogr. levee station
abbr., chem. lauryl sulphate; sodium lauryl sulphate
abbr., commer. Logistics Support; Lockheed Standards; Syrian pound
abbr., commun. linkset
abbr., comp., net. Library Server; Licensing System
abbr., comp., net., IT Local Storage; Local System; Luxury Sport
abbr., earth.sc. last step; late sangamon; least squares method; lens spectrometer; line source; literature search; longest sample; low-sulphidation; low sulfur; luminescence spectrometry; Russel-Saunders Coupling
abbr., el. low-power Schottky (logic device); least square; Langmuir-Schaefer transfer; language specification; language system; large screen (FED); laser scanner; laser scriber; laser scribing; laser source; late scramble; launch sequencer; lead separation from bump; lens scan system; lenticular screen; letter shift; library software; life support; light sensor; line sawtooth; line synchronization; line system; lithography simulation; loading splice; local service; local switch; local switching; logic simulator; longitudinal staggering; lot size; lower sideband; low-spin (state); lunar satellite; low-speed
abbr., electr.eng. light source; line switch; load shedding
abbr., exhib. latest start
abbr., fin. Language Services
abbr., foundr. lug side (одна из сторон надрессорной балки Technical)
abbr., inet. Lots Of Stuff
abbr., insur. Liner shipping; livestock; Summer timber load line
abbr., IT Least Significant; Load Save; Login Shell; Loop Start; less significant; load server
abbr., lab.eq. Lab Setup; Lamp Source
abbr., ling. lexical set (igisheva)
abbr., Makarov. lantern slide; lapped seam; long shot; low Schottky
abbr., math., scient. La Salle; Large Scale
abbr., med. Leigh Syndrome; Leiomyosarcoma; Leriche Syndrome; Linear Scleroderma; Liver And Spleen; Least Squares; Load And Save; Low Speed; lumbosacral (пояснично-крестцовый Dimpassy); genital lichen sclerosus (MichaelBurov); LSA (MichaelBurov); lichen sclerosus (MichaelBurov); lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (MichaelBurov); Csillag's disease (MichaelBurov); lichen albus (MichaelBurov); hypoplastic dystrophy (MichaelBurov); white spot disease (MichaelBurov); kraurosis (MichaelBurov); guttate morphea type planus (MichaelBurov); guttate scleroderma (MichaelBurov); lichen sclerosus type (MichaelBurov); hallopeau I disease (MichaelBurov); von Zambusch disease (MichaelBurov); von Zambusch’s disease (MichaelBurov); von Zumbusch disease (MichaelBurov); von Zumbusch’s disease (MichaelBurov); liminal sensitivity; lymphosarcoma; lysate supernatant
abbr., med.appl. lymphosorption; linear stapler (igisheva)
abbr., mil. Land Sea; Longitudinal Section; Land System (qwarty); landing site; Landing System; launch system; launching station (Киселев)
abbr., mil., WMD Limit switch
abbr., nautic. Lumpsum
abbr., O&G Communication Lines (MichaelBurov); lump sum (tat-konovalova)
abbr., O&G, sakh. load sense (control system)
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. limit of supply
abbr., O&G. tech. landing string (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil laboratory system; lacustrine siltstone; laminated sand sheets; landward stepping; layer seismic; length of stroke; lever switch; light ship; light switch; lignosulfonate; liquid slug; listed securities; long space; long string; loud-speaker; low shrink; low sulphur; low-pressure steam; lower shore-face
abbr., opt. logical sum
abbr., pest.contr. solution for seed treatment
abbr., pharm. labeled strength (заявленное содержание aguane)
abbr., physiol. Lateral Shield; Left Side; Lung Sound; Lung Sounds
abbr., physiol., med. Left side; Lumbar Spine; Lumbosacral
abbr., polit. Lesotho; Liechtenstein
abbr., polym. laminated sheet; left side; level switch; light scattering; low-structure
abbr., progr. line separator (ssn)
abbr., radio loose shot; loud speaker
abbr., scottish Liechtenstein (NATO country code)
abbr., soil. loamy sand soil texture class
abbr., space landmarks subsystem; launch sequence; launch silo; life science; line scanner; line-of-sight; liquid state; local store; logistical support
abbr., sport. Long Shot
abbr., stat. least square (ННатальЯ)
abbr., tech. load sensing; liquid sensor; lay-up survey
abbr., telecom. Line Station
abbr., textile Long Sleeve; long sticks
abbr., tradem. Lone Star
abbr., weld. longitudinal seam (bonly)
ecol. lightship station
energ.ind. left-side; licensing submittal; limestone consumption
mil. landing ship; laser seeker; laser system; launch simulator; launch site; launch station; launching silo; lead sheet; level setter; life system; line scan; list of specifications; logistic support; loudspeaker; low speed
O&G low pressure steam
tech. last sent; lighting system; linear smoothing; local synchronization; locked shut
Ls abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. shale limestone
abbr., oil Lats
nautic. low-sulphur (Ying)
Ls. abbr.
abbr., geol. limestone
insur. Lumpsum (lumpsum freight)
lso, c abbr.
abbr., med. limit switch (open, close)
: 143 phrases in 55 subjects
Analytical chemistry1
Automated equipment1
Automatic control4
Bridge construction1
Cliche / convention1
Clinical trial1
Combustion gas turbines1
Drug-related slang2
Energy industry1
Household appliances1
Information technology7
Mass media8
Mechanic engineering1
Medical appliances2
Nuclear physics1
Oil processing plants2
Power system protection1
Proper name2
Quality control and standards1
Sakhalin A1
Радиоактивное излучение4