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loyalty cardstresses
gen. карта постоянного покупателя (a card given to customers by a shop/store to encourage them to shop there regularly. Each time they buy something they collect points which will allow them to have an amount of money taken off goods they buy in the future. OALD – АД); бонусная карта (Brit. an identity card issued by a retailer to its customers as part of a consumer incentive scheme, whereby credits are accumulated for future discounts every time a transaction is recorded. NOED. Loyalty cards were initially designed to offer rewards to regular customers and therefore to encourage them to keep shopping in the same store. TG Alexander Demidov); карта постоянного покупателя (a card given to customers by a shop/store to encourage them to shop there regularly. Each time they buy something they collect points which will allow them to have an amount of money taken off goods they buy in the future. OALD Alexander Demidov)
bank. дисконтная карточка; карточка постоянного покупателя (банковской карточкой не является); поощрительная карточка; карточка покупателя (для учёта баллов, начисляемых покупателю за покупки); клубная карточка
bank., inf. клубная карта
EBRD карточка лояльного покупателя (кредитной карточкой не является oVoD)
loyalty card
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects