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ln abbr.stresses
tech. натуральный логарифм
LN abbr.
abbr. переулок (lane Alex Lilo)
Gruzovik, polit. Лондон (London)
Gruzovik, scient. локальная сеть (local network)
med. участок / очаг повреждения / поражения (lesion)
PSP логический узел (Shmelev Alex)
 English thesaurus
ln abbr.
abbr. liaison; line; logarithm, natural
abbr., med. leaden
opt. logarithm to the base e
tech. natural logarithm
ln. abbr.
abbr., commer. lien; loan
abbr., libr. librarian
LN abbr.
abbr. Lingala; Lead Nation; Like New; Lidove Noviny (daily, Czech Republic); Little Naked; logarithm (natural); London; laboratory note
abbr., avia. logarithm; left nose
abbr., busin. lien; loan
abbr., chem., scient. Liquid Nitrogen
abbr., comp., net., IT Logical Node
abbr., dig.curr. Lightning Network (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. log normal distribution; low nutrient
abbr., ed., scient. Lecture Notes; Lecture Number
abbr., el. link attention; local network; location number; logical number; loop network
abbr., el., scient. Low Noise
abbr., file.ext. Load Number; Logarithm (Natural)
abbr., IT Line Number
abbr., karate. logistics need
abbr., law Last Name
abbr., life.sc. laminin
abbr., med. Lesch-Nyhan (syndrome); Lung Nodule; Lupus Nephritis; lymph node (s Vosoni); lymphatic node (ННатальЯ); last negative; lymph nodess; lentiform nucleus (ННатальЯ); lipoid nephrosis
abbr., mil. lead nation; lead nation ln
abbr., O&G, sakh. Lower Nutovo
abbr., oil light naphtha; link number; lost nozzle; luminometer number
abbr., oncol., med. Lymph Node
abbr., piez. lithium niobate
abbr., polym. lot number; liquid nitrogen
abbr., progr. logical node (логический узел ssn)
abbr., railw. CSX Transportation Incorporated; Louisville And Nashville Railroad
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Norway)
abbr., telecom. local line network
abbr., well.contr. landing nipple
energ.ind. liquified natural (gas)
meteorol. liason (liaison)
mil. local national
mil., abbr. line number (Alexander Demidov)
tech. large nephelometer
Ln abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. lagoon; lanthanide; lanthanides
LN LN2 abbr.
abbr. liquid nitrogen
abbr., opt. liquid nitrogen
Ln. abbr.
abbr., libr. London
: 34 phrases in 15 subjects
Energy industry1
Information technology1
Power system protection5
Textile industry1