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litigation [lɪtɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n] nstresses
gen. тяжба; спор; разбирательство в суде (yashshsh); судебная работа (triumfov); рассмотрение судебных споров (4uzhoj); решение вопроса в судебном порядке (Alexander Demidov); судебный процесс (Legal proceedings or court action. Litigation can be either civil or criminal proceedings. LT Alexander Demidov); рассмотрение судами дел (Alexander Demidov); судебные разбирательства (Litigation and Advocacy This covers civil and criminal litigation. In civil litigation you will take initial instructions from clients with a range of legal problems including: personal injury claims contractual disputes; and commercial disputes You'll advise them on the most practical solution to their problems in first track and multi track cases and then act for them throughout the litigation process. You will learn about how cases are financed and develop commercial awareness. You will also learn about alternatives to litigation such as mediation, conciliation and arbitration. In criminal litigation you'll act for clients who have been arrested for a variety of offences such as: burglary and assault You will represent your client from their arrest to their trial in the Magistrates or Crown Court. You will have to employ all your interviewing, advising and advocacy skills to achieve the best results for them. Alexander Demidov); ведение судебного спора (Alexander Demidov); судебное разбирательство по гражданскому делу (Litigation is the process of fighting or defending a case in a civil court of law. The settlement ends more than four years of litigation on behalf of the residents. CCB Alexander Demidov); исковое производство (the process of causing a disagreement to be discussed in a court of law so that an official decision can be made about it: "The company has consistently denied responsibility, but it agreed to the settlement to avoid the expense of lengthy litigation. "You were told there might be grounds for litigation but the cost would be prohibitive considering the small amount involved. in litigation "The company was in litigation for almost a year. CBED Alexander Demidov); судебно-правовой (Alexander Demidov; пример употребления? 4uzhoj); иск
Gruzovik тягание
Игорь Миг рассмотрение споров в судебном порядке
busin. гражданский судебный спор; судопроизводство (both civil and criminal court litigation. LE Alexander Demidov)
econ. гражданский судебный процесс; тяжба (судебное дело)
insur. гражданский спор
law судебное дело; процесс; судебный спор (He engaged in endless litigation against the media. litigation between private parties. litigation over water rights. OCD – АД); тяжбы; разрешение споров в судебном порядке (Alexander Demidov); рассмотрение споров в судах (Alexander Demidov); исковая деятельность (Alexander Demidov); судебное разбирательство (Prior to the present proof he had never before appeared as a witness but he had appeared in a number of litigations arguing specific areas in which he was ... | He has worked on the quantification of damages in a number of litigations and international arbitrations | It appears that there have been a number of litigations between SLCC and the Law Society. – АД); представительство интересов в судах (как отрасль практики юридических фирм 4uzhoj); разбирательство (судебное); ведение дела (в суде Alexander Demidov); судебный спор; гражданский процесс (Право международной торговли On-Line); судебное разбирательство (гражданское и уголовное. civil and criminal litigation: 2.7m hits. This covers civil and criminal litigation. What is the difference between civil and criminal litigation? Prior to the present proof he had never before appeared as a witness but he had appeared in a number of litigations arguing specific areas in which he was ... | He has worked on the quantification of damages in a number of litigations and international arbitrations | It appears that there have been a number of litigations between SLCC and the Law Society. Alexander Demidov); судебный процесс
notar. судебная тяжба; судебное состязание; споры
oil судебные расходы
patents. оспаривание
 English thesaurus
litigation [lɪtɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n] n
gen. ~ between (~ between private parties (ODC) Alexander Demidov)
law lawsuit, case, the act or process of bringing about or contesting a lawsuit; A case, controversy, or lawsuit
: 286 phrases in 27 subjects
Criminal law4
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Intelligence and security services2
International Monetary Fund2
Mass media1
Notarial practice3
Obsolete / dated3
SAP tech.1
United States1