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litho-density toolstresses
oil прибор плотностного каротажа литологического разреза; литолого-плотностной каротаж
Litho-Density Tool
oil Литo-плoтнocтнoй кapoтaж (LDT glenfoo)
litho density tool
oil литоплотностной прибор (slb.com twinkie)
 English thesaurus
litho-density tool
abbr. three detector litho density tool (MichaelBurov); three detector litho density log (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G. tech. litho-density log (MichaelBurov); lithodensity log (MichaelBurov)
O&G. tech. TLD tool (MichaelBurov); TLD log (MichaelBurov); LDT (MichaelBurov); TLD (MichaelBurov)
litho-density tool
: 11 phrases in 3 subjects
Oil / petroleum2
Oil and gas4