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lie in waitstresses
lie in wait for; lay for
gen. затаиться, подстерегая жертву, добычу (He was lying in wait. ART Vancouver); быть в засаде; находиться в засаде; залечь (притаиться В.И.Макаров); залегать; залечь (Andrey Truhachev); поджидать (This person was hiding behind a wall, as if he were lying in wait for someone Taras); подстерегать (Taras); устроить засаду
fig. притаиться (When I'm walking alone at night, I'm always worried that attackers are just lying in wait in the shadows. 4uzhoj); выжидать (The opposition was quietly lying in wait for the incumbent to make his first big mistake. • Agents for the anti-money sector have lain in wait for months to see if the corporation would fall for their new sting operation. 4uzhoj)
mil. выжидать в засаде; лежать в засаде (Andrey Truhachev)
lie in wait
: 24 phrases in 6 subjects
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