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Lead Nationstresses
mil. ведущая страна (LN)
NATO ведущая страна
 English thesaurus
Lead Nation
abbr. LN
mil. A nation accepting the responsibility for planning and controlling deployment and transportation, for sustainment or resupply and redeployment as well as for obtaining transportation resources for multinational headquarters groups and/or units with a high degree of multinationality, or accepting the lead in performing host nation's tasks and responsibilities, or accepting responsibility for performing specific movement and transportation tasks
lead nation
USA The nation with the will, capability, competence, and influence to provide the essential elements of political consultation and military leadership to coordinate the planning, mounting, and execution of a multinational operation (JP 3-16) see also logistic support, multinational force
lead nation logistic support
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Foreign affairs1
Mass media1