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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
lav [læv] nstresses
construct. умывальная; умывальник; умывальная комната
inf. туалет; уборная
slang толчок (short for lavatory Andrew Goff)
softw. микрофон-петличка (=lav-mic = lavalier microphone Eugenev)
LAV [læv] n
auto. регулятор тормозных сил (MichaelBurov)
LAV [læv] abbr.
auto. РТС (MichaelBurov)
tech. Lube Air Valve воздушный клапан подачи смазки (ALEXN)
 English thesaurus
lav [læv] abbr.
abbr. lavatory (туалет Val_Ships)
abbr., oil lavender
slang I will have (Interex)
lav. abbr.
abbr. lavatory
LAV [læv] abbr.
abbr. Lacks Army Value; Latvian
abbr., auto. load apportioning valve (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. light armored vehicles
abbr., comp., net. local area network
abbr., el. light amphibious vehicle; lightly armored vehicle; longitudinal acoustoelectric voltage
abbr., immunol. lymphadenopathy-associated virus
abbr., med. Liquid-assisted Ventilation; Lymphadenopathy-associated Virus; left atrial volume (harser); low attenuation volume (harser); lymphadenopathy associated virus
abbr., mil. Light Armored Vehicle; Light Armoured Vehicle; light armored vehicle
abbr., physiol., med. Lymphadenopathy Associated Virus
abbr., scottish Light Assault Vehicle (USA)
abbr., tech. Large Area View (dzimmu)
abbr., transp. Low Altitude Vehicle
abbr., vet.med., med. Latvian Association of Veterinarians
mil. launch axis, vertical; light armored vehicle, antitank; light armored vehicle, command; light armored vehicle, command and control; light armored vehicle, logistic; light armored vehicle, maintenance and recovery; light armored vehicle, mortar
Lav [læv] abbr.
abbr., cartogr. lavatory
LAVS abbr.
abbr., el. list of available storage
LAV [læv] abbr.
abbr., oil least absolute value
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects