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jolly wellstresses
gen. конечно; распрекрасненько (linton); непременно
brit. просто-напросто ("From Miss Hemmingway. Miss Hemmingway! But–but how did they come into her possession?" "How?" I said. "Because she jolly well stole them. Pinched them! Swiped them! Because that's how she makes her living, dash it – palling up to unsuspicious people in hotels and sneaking their jewellery. I don't know what her alias is, but her bally brother, the chap whose collar buttons at the back, is known in criminal circles as Soapy Sid." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
slang точно; определённо
jolly -well: 10 phrases in 3 subjects
British usage, not spelling2