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joint tenancystresses
gen. совместная собственность (A joint tenancy or joint tenancy with right of survivorship (JTROS or JTWROS) is a type of concurrent estate in which co-owners have a right of survivorship, meaning that if one owner dies, that owner's interest in the property will pass to the surviving owner or owners by operation of law, and avoiding probate. The deceased owner's interest in the property simply evaporates and cannot be inherited by his or her heirs. Under this type of ownership, the last owner living owns all the property, and on his or her death the property will form part of their estate. Unlike a tenancy in common, where co-owners may have unequal interests in a property, joint co-owners have an equal share in the property. wiki Alexander Demidov); аренда со множественностью лиц на стороне арендатора (A JOINT tenancy is where more than one person is the tenant of a property.; If more than one person own the same property, they are referred to as co-owners, co-tenants or joint tenants. Most common law jurisdictions recognize tenancies in common and joint tenancies, and some also recognize tenancies by the entirety. wiki Alexander Demidov); владение землёй сообща; нераздельное владение; соаренда
account. нераздельное совладение имуществом несколькими лицами (возникшее в результате дара или завещания; в случае смерти одного совладельца его доля остаётся во владении другого или других)
agric. совместная собственность; общая долевая собственность
busin. совместное владение на правах аренды; совместное владение на правах имущественного найма
EBRD совместное право собственности на имущество; совместное владение (oVoD)
econ. нераздельное совладение имуществом несколькими лицами (возникшее в результате дара или завещания); нераздельное совладение
law общая совместная собственность (karnup); совместное владение на праве собственности; ненаследуемая совместная собственность (о недвижимости Leonid Dzhepko); совместное владение на праве собственности (о недвижимости)
 English thesaurus
joint tenancy
law owned in common; dual control, when two or more people own something together and have rights of survivorship. this means that if one tenant/owner dies, his or her share goes to the other tenants/owners; When two or more people own something and have rights of survivorship. This means that if one tenant dies, his or her share goes to the other tenants
joint tenancy
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
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