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ips nstresses
IT дюймов в секунду (число)
O&G, sakh. дюймов в секунду; дюйм / сек
gen. Идентификационно-паспортная служба (Великобритании tavost)
abbr. Indian Police Services Индийские полицейские силы (raveena2)
comp., net. набор протоколов Internet; интеллектуальное управление питанием; система предотвращения вторжения (Intrusion prevention system Галина Кахун)
ed. Тюремное управление Израиля (Israeli Prison Service scherfas)
fin. международная платёжная система (сокр. от "international payment system" Alex_Odeychuk); МПС (International Payment Systems; Международная платёжная система Alex Lilo)
invest. инвестиционная декларация (investment policy statement Peter Krauss)
IT система обработки информации; набор протоколов Интернет
math. бесконечно продолжающаяся последовательность (infinitely proceeding sequence); пространство со скалярным произведением (inner product space)
O&G ледостойкая платформа (Johnny Bravo); конструкция с защитой от обледенения (Johnny Bravo); ледозащитные конструкции (Ice Protection Structures Пахно Е.А.); ледовый профиломер-гидролокатор (MichaelBurov); ГНПС (MichaelBurov)
oil начальный дебит после поршневания (initial production swabbing); внутренний диаметр трубы (internal pipe size)
plast. ударопрочный полистирол средней ударной прочности (Liquid_Sun)
progr. система предотвращения вторжений (см. Intrusion Prevention System ssn)
survey. система внутреннего позиционирования (Indoor positioning system Veshka)
TV датчик присутствия (MichaelBurov); датчик присутствия человека (MichaelBurov)
UK Служба установления личности и выдачи паспортов (Identity and Passport Service: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-passports-printed-in-the-uk Midnight_Lady)
iPS n
cytol. ИПСК (MichaelBurov); индуцированная плюрипотентная стволовая клетка (MichaelBurov)
genet. индуцированные стволовые клетки (Alex_Odeychuk)
med. ИПК (индуцированные плюрипотентные клетки (стволовые) – induced pluripotent stem cells – клетки, аналагичные эмбриональным стволовым, но полученные из соматических, обычно кожных, клеток. shergilov); индуцированные плюрипотентные стволовые клетки (induced pluripotent stem cells SWexler)
IPs n
telecom. IP-адреса (oleg.vigodsky)
IPS abbr.
avia. противооблединительная система (Icing Protection System Шандор); Inventory Positioning System-система отслеживания состояния товарно-материальных запасов (International Airlines Technical Pool, Manual geseb)
comp. инструкции в секунде
cust. Детальная ценовая спецификация (Itemized Price Specification crinon)
Gruzovik, comp. система обработки изображений (image processing system; image system)
O&G головная нефтеперекачивающая станция (MichaelBurov); Иранские нефтяные стандарты (Iranian Petroleum Standards oshkindt); ПНПС (промежуточная нефтеперекачивающая станция; intermediate pumping station Terminal)
softw. Система предотвращения вторжений (Intrusion Prevention System Dogan Elena)
 English thesaurus
ips abbr.
abbr. inches per second; instructions per second (data processing)
abbr., O&G Ice Protection Structure (Johnny Bravo)
electr.eng. interruptions per second
IPS abbr.
abbr. Images Per Second; Inches Per Second; Independent Parental Supporter; Indian Police Service; Individual Placement And Support; Indoor Power System; Interim Payment System; Internet Payment Solutions; Internet Payment System; Iron Pipe Size; industrial and provident society (UK Alexander Matytsin); Identifying Patient Sets; Identity and Passport Service (ABelonogov); Illustrative Planning Scenario; Imagery Processing Segment (CARS); Imagery Processing System; Immature Piece Of Shit; Imperial Pearl Syndicate; Implicit Price Support; Importer Preprocessor System; Impulsive Phase Start; In Prison Soon; inch per second; Incinerate Power Supply; Information Processing Society; Information Processing Standards; Inimical To Public Safety; Initial Palette Size; Initial Production Series; Innovative Professional Services; InPlane Switching (technology, LCD, Sony, Philips, NEC, Iiyama, Eizo, Dell, BenQ, Apple); Institute of Pacific Studies; Insurance Passport For Students; Integrated Petrochemical Site; Integrated Pilot Shaft; Integrated Power Strake; Integrity People And Service; Intellectual Property Solutions; Intelligence Production Section; Intelligence Production System; Intelligent Pedestrian Surveillance; Intelligent Process Status; Interactive Purchasing System; Intergraph Public Safety; Internal Patching System; Internal Phone System; International Patch System; International Patching Standard; International Patient Services; International Peat Society; International Port Security; Interpreter For Process Structures; Inventory Of Programs And Services; Inverness Primary School; investment policy statement (A document drafted between a portfolio manager and a client that outlines general rules for the manager - MT Alexander Demidov); Invoice And Progress Schedule; iron pipe size
abbr., anim.husb. intra-population selection
abbr., astronaut. Inertial Pointing System; Interim Polar System (semfromshire)
abbr., auto. idle position switch; Institute for Product Safety
abbr., avia. integrated process schedule; interface problem sheets; IFR Program Specialist; Instrument Procedures Specialist; interruptible power supply; interruptible power system; interruptible power unit; Program Specialist, IFR Training
abbr., BrE independent parachute squadron; Inward Primary Sorting
abbr., comp., IT Image Processing System
abbr., comp., net. image processing system; information processing system; Internet Protocol Suite
abbr., ed., scient. Introductory Physical Science
abbr., el. image position sensor; impulses per second; induction-coupled plasma-activated spectroscopy; information protection system; in-plane switching mode (LCD); instrumentation power supply; integrated photosector; integrated process system; integrated power supply; intelligent power switch; intelligent printing system; intelligent processing system; intelligent protection switching; interactive programming system; interpretative programming system; iodinated polystyrene; ionospheric prediction service; ion plating system; ion projection stepper; ion-projection system
abbr., electr.eng. instrument power supply
abbr., HF.electr. integrated power systems
abbr., IT In Plane Switching; in-plane switching; Intrusion prevention system
abbr., Makarov. International Plutonium Storage
abbr., med. Idiopathic Pain Syndrome; Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome; Infundibular Pulmonary Stenosis
abbr., med.appl. inspiratory pressure support (ИВЛ harser)
abbr., mil. Instructions Per Second; illustrative planning scenario; Integrated Planning System (DHS); interoperability planning system
abbr., mil., air.def. instruction per second
abbr., mil., avia. image processing system
abbr., mil., WMD Independent power supply; Integrated Program Services; Integrated Program Summary
abbr., O&G ice profiler sonar (MichaelBurov); initial pump station (MichaelBurov); initial pumping station (MichaelBurov); Ice protection structure (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Instrumented Protective System
abbr., O&G, sakh. instrumented protective system
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. instrument protection system; instrument protective system
abbr., oil improved plough steel; initial potential swabbing; initial production swabbing; surface potential index
abbr., org.name. Information Processing System
abbr., polym. impact polystyrene; internal pipe size; International Pipe Standard
abbr., post In Plant Support (analyst)
abbr., progr. intrusion prevention system (ssn)
abbr., scottish Inlet Particle Separator; Integrated Protection System (UK Royal Air Force)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Intrusion Prevention System
abbr., securit. index participation shares
abbr., sport. Innings Per Start
abbr., st.exch. Ipsco, Inc.
abbr., tech. integrated power system
abbr., tradem. Invision Power Services
abbr., transp. Impact Protection System
abbr., TV Intelligent Presence Sensor (MichaelBurov)
abbr., vet.med., med. International Primatological Society
energ.ind. inorganic pyritic sulfur
mil. impact predictor system; improved processing system; incremental purchasing system; inertial positioning system; information presentation system; infrastructure policy section; initial processing site; integrated power system; integrated processing system
O&G island plant South
ocean., nautic., scient. Interplanetary Scintillation
tech. instrument pointing system; instrumentation power system; interim policy statement; ion projection system
iPS abbr.
abbr. induced pluripotent stem cell (MichaelBurov); iPS cell (MichaelBurov); induced pluripotent stem (Altuntash)
biol. iPSC cell (MichaelBurov)
cytol. iPSC (MichaelBurov)
life.sc. induced pluripotent stem cell (cell MichaelBurov)
IPS abbr.
abbr. improved plow steel (SAKHstasia); installation performance specification
abbr., avia. incorrect phase sequence; information presentation; ice protection system
abbr., clin.trial. intermittent photic stimulation (Stepney)
abbr., commer. Imperial Preference System
abbr., comp. interpretive programming system
abbr., earth.sc. induced polarization sounding; inertial platform system; instantaneous power spectrum; integrated paleontologic system; International Phycological Society; International Pipe Standards; International Planetarium Society; international pyrheliometric scale
abbr., fin. international payment system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., industr. Intermediate Pump station (Sagoto)
abbr., oil inclined plate separator; initial production potential swabbing; inside internal pipe size; Institute of Polar Studies
abbr., space information presentation processing system; ion propulsion subsystem
: 48 phrases in 15 subjects
Energy industry25
Energy system2
Ice formation1
Information technology1
Mass media1
Oil and gas1