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insurable intereststresses
gen. объект страхования (a person has such an interest in property or in the life of a person if damage or destruction of the property or death of the person would expose him to pecuniary loss or liability. CDL. For a contract of insurance to be valid, the insured must have an insurable interest in the subject matter of the insurance policy. For example, the insured would suffer loss if the event insured against occurred. This is what distinguishes an insurance contract from a wagering contract. PLG. A connection or relationship with a person or thing that is substantial enough to bring a real benefit or advantage to the person who wants to insure it, generally because the person or thing provides him or her with money or some other valuable thing, thus justifying the need or desire for insurance coverage. LDUSA Alexander Demidov)
busin. интерес, подлежащий страхованию
EBRD страхуемый интерес (имеется, если событие, от которого производится страхование, чревато для страхователя финансовыми убытками, что даёт юридическое право заключить договор страхования и отличает страхование от пари. OSSIPOV); страхуемый риск (oVoD)
law страховой интерес
notar. риск страховой
insurable interest
: 2 phrases in 1 subject