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high net worth individualsstresses
bank. богатая клиентура (Alex_Odeychuk)
high net worth individual
bank. лицо с крупным чистым капиталом; высокообеспеченное физическое лицо (англ. термин взят на сайте Lehman Brothers Alex_Odeychuk)
fin. частное лицо с высоким уровнем дохода (Alex_Odeychuk); состоятельный клиент (Alexander Matytsin); физическое лицо с высоким уровнем дохода (Alex_Odeychuk)
invest. состоятельное частное лицо (HNWI lawput)
lab.law. владелец крупного частного капитала (lenivets:))
high-net-worth individual
gen. состоятельное физическое лицо (High-net-worth individual (HNWI) is a term used by some segments of the financial services industry to designate persons whose investible assets (such as stocks and bonds) exceed a given amount. Typically, these individuals are defined as holding financial assets (excluding their primary residence) with a value greater than US$1 million. WK Alexander Demidov); состоятельный человек (Alexander Matytsin); ВИП-персона (Russian VIPs will have to stand alongside the plebeians in ordinary airport lines after the Federal Security Service (FSB) ordered the closure of fast-track services offered to high-net-worth individuals, the Kommersant newspaper reported Thursday. – TMT Jul. 02 2015 VLZ_58)
 English thesaurus
High Net Worth Individual
abbr. HNWI (SingingWind)
high net worth individuals
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects