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hashtag nstresses
inet. хэштег (n.lysenko); тематическая метка в социальных сетях, хэштег (Lemuel Gulliver); тематическая ссылка (bigmaxus)
progr. хэш-тег (ssn)
soc.med. хештег (Gramota.ru gramota.ru Caterinka)
hashtag n
gen. хэштег (Its a tag used to talk about an especif subject on twitter. Once all the users use it, it gets a lot easier to search subjects at the #bailout I cant believe they're refusing the deal. Urban Dict. Хэштег – специальная метка для сообщений в Твиттере, позволяющая объединить разнообразные сообщения от разных авторов в единое смысловое целое. Top trending on Twitter during the marathon event wasn't #putin or #russia; it was #botox (in Cyrillic script), the hashtag that critical Russians ascribe to their increasingly unpopular 59-year-old premier. TG twitter.com Alexander Demidov)
 English thesaurus
hashtag abbr.
abbr. hash tag (ssn)
comp., MS HashTag (A metadata tag beginning with the symbol that describes the topic of a message or identifies a keyword relevant to it)
: 2 phrases in 1 subject