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has the nervestresses
disappr. хватает наглости (Biden is so arrogant, he has the nerve to consider requesting another $100 billion for Ukraine after watching Israel go through pure Hell because of HIM! (Twitter) ART Vancouver); хватает нахальства (Biden is so arrogant, he has the nerve to consider requesting another $100 billion for Ukraine after watching Israel go through pure Hell because of HIM! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
have the nerve
gen. иметь мужество (сделать что-л. Irina Verbitskaya); иметь смелость (Irina Verbitskaya); осмелиться (SirReal); иметь наглость (to do something); иметь мужество (сделать что-л.)
inf. набраться нахальства (to); набраться нахальства (to); хватать духу (I simply didn't have the nerve to tell her that I lost nearly every penny I had Andrey Truhachev); хватить духу (I simply didn't have the nerve to tell her that I lost nearly every penny I had Andrey Truhachev); иметь дерзость (I simply didn't have the nerve to tell her that I lost nearly every penny I had Andrey Truhachev); дерзнуть (I simply didn't have the nerve to tell her that I lost nearly every penny I had Andrey Truhachev); дерзать (I simply didn't have the nerve to tell her that I lost nearly every penny I had Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. набраться нахальства
has the nerve
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects