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hang-glider ['hæŋ'glaɪdə]stresses
gen. дельтаплан (a kitelike glider from which a harnessed rider hangs while gliding down from a cliff or hill (Webster)); дельтапланерист (a person who rides a hang glider (Webster))
avia. планер с балансирным управлением; балансирный планер
sport. лётчик дельтаплана (MichaelBurov)
tech. дельтаплан
hang glider ['hæŋˌɡlaɪdǝ(r)]
gen. дельтапланерист
avia. балансирный планер
tech. дельтаплан
 English thesaurus
hang glider ['hæŋˌɡlaɪdǝ(r)]
avia., Canada A motorless heavier-than-air aircraft deriving its lift from surfaces that remain fixed in flight, designed to carry not more than two persons and having a launch weight of 45 kg 99.2 lb or less.
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects