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hammer homestresses
gen. донести до сознания; вдалбливать (something to sb Andrey Truhachev); доводить (drive/hammer something home – to tell people about something in a way that makes them understand and accept it, especially by repeating it many times: The school tries to hammer home the importance of homework vogeler); доводить до сознания (drive/hammer something home – to tell people about something in a way that makes them understand and accept it, especially by repeating it many times: The school tries to hammer home the importance of homework vogeler); доводить до людей (drive/hammer something home – to tell people about something in a way that makes them understand and accept it, especially by repeating it many times: The school tries to hammer home the importance of homework vogeler); втолковывать (drive/hammer something home – to tell people about something in a way that makes them understand and accept it, especially by repeating it many times: The school tries to hammer home the importance of homework vogeler); разъяснять (drive/hammer something home – to tell people about something in a way that makes them understand and accept it, especially by repeating it many times: The school tries to hammer home the importance of homework vogeler); пояснять (drive/hammer something home – to tell people about something in a way that makes them understand and accept it, especially by repeating it many times: The school tries to hammer home the importance of homework vogeler); втолковать; довести до сознания
Игорь Миг вбивать в сознание (людей); разъяснять; внушить; внушать; вбить в голову; напоминать; вложить в голову; втемяшить; особо подчеркнуть; долдонить
fig., inf. вдалбливаться; вдолбить; вдолбиться
Gruzovik, fig. доводить до сознания
Gruzovik, inf. втолковывать (impf of втолковать); вдалбливать (pf вдолбить)
idiom. донести (что-либо до кого-либо 4uzhoj)
inf. втолковываться
hammer home/
Makarov. вбивать; втолковывать; разъяснять
hammer home the point
: 11 phrases in 4 subjects
Mass media1