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half year [ˌhɑːf'jɪǝ(r)]stresses
gen. полугодие; семестр
busin. полгода
half-year ['hɑ:f'jɪə]
gen. полугодие (a period of 6 months: the campaign lasted nearly a half-year • a half-year break • After weeks of painful indecision, he asked for a half-year break in their relationship (Telushkin, Josef THE UNORTHODOX MURDER OF RABBI MOSS) • But, judging from his review of the economy which is now close to the half-year mark, there's steam in the engine of the economy yet. BUSINESS TODAY (1998) • For a half-year, therefore, MPs had been deprived of a political platform on which to debate the affairs of the South Sea Company. Malcolm Balen A VERY ENGLISH DECEIT: THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE SOUTH SEA BUBBLE AND THE FIRST GREAT FINANCIAL SCANDAL (2002) • He said there was a long list of reasons for the company's "clearly disappointing" but well flagged half-year result. COURIER, SUNDAY MAIL (2004) • In its half-year results last November, Vodafone cut 4.5bn from the value of assets bought in recent years, including Arcor in Germany. GLASGOW HERALD (2002) • Kevin was working towards his bonus for exceeding this half-year 's quota of fees. Gee, Maggie LOST CHILDREN • On the previous six months he had done this easily, but this half-year had been more up-and-down, and more down than up, recently. Gee, Maggie LOST CHILDREN • Overall, Compass Group, the world's largest food service organisation, racked up a 29 % rise in half-year pre-tax profits to 145m. BELFAST TELEGRAPH (2004) • The company has also posted a net profit of Rs 12.25 crore in the first half-year, according to a press release issued here. SAMACHAR (2004) Alexander Demidov); полугодовой (Meirzhan Mukhambetov); полугодичный; полгода; семестр
libr. издание, выходящее два раза в год
half year
: 63 phrases in 13 subjects