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gtt. abbr.stresses
econ. капли (drops)
GTT abbr.
gen. УОУГ (ABelonogov); узел отбора и учёта газа (ABelonogov)
med. глюкозотолерантный тест (Glucose Tolerance Test I. Havkin); проба на переносимость глюкозы (I. Havkin)
 English thesaurus
gtt. abbr.
abbr., med. drops
abbr., med., lat. guttae
med. drop (лат. gutta)
gtt abbr.
abbr. drops; Gutta drops; gutta
agric. guttae
GTT abbr.
abbr. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trades; Gone To Texas; Grand Terrace Toastmasters; gasoline tetraethyllead test
abbr., avia. general tool-tooling; general
abbr., commer. give-and-take trade; Global Trade Tracker (lexicographer)
abbr., commun. Global Title Translation; global title translator
abbr., lab.eq. Glucose Tolerance Test
abbr., med. glucose tolerance test; glucose challenge (inspirado); gestational trophoblastic tumour (harser)
abbr., O&G, sakh. gas transfer terminal (Сводный отчет по инспектированию с учетом факторов риска)
abbr., oil give and take trade; global technology transfer
abbr., org.name. Global Task Team
abbr., polym. glass transition temperature
abbr., space ground test time
energ.ind. gas turbine technology
mil. generated target tracking; Government Technical testing
Gtt abbr.
abbr., med. drops
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects