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gro nstresses
math. число 144 (10 в двенадцатеричной системе счисления); 144 (MichaelBurov)
insur. только наземные риски (ground risks only (страхование воздушных судов) Alder)
 English thesaurus
gro abbr.
abbr. gross; group
gro. abbr.
abbr. gross
abbr., commer. groceries
abbr., econ. grocer
GRO abbr.
abbr. General Register Office; Get Rid Of; Group Region Operating; Guest Relations Officer; Graves Registration Office; Greenwich Royal Observatory
abbr., astr. Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory at Ulysses (Vosoni)
abbr., astronaut. Gamma Ray Observatory
abbr., avia. Gerona, Spain
abbr., busin. geneal register office; grocer; grocery; ground risks only
abbr., chem., scient. Gasoline Range Organics
abbr., corp.gov. General Rules of the Organization
abbr., ed., scient. Grade Replacement Opportunity
abbr., genet. growth-related gene/protein
abbr., IT Going Right On
abbr., med. Growth-related (protein)
abbr., pharma. growth-regulated oncogene (Rada0414)
abbr., st.exch. Guaranteed Return Opportunity; Mississippi Chemical Corporation
mil. general routine order; Graves Registration officer
mil., abbr. Graves Registration officer; general routine order
tech. gamma-ray observatory
Gro abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. grossularite
GRo abbr.
abbr., oil gasoline range organic compounds
: 22 phrases in 6 subjects
Fantasy and science fiction1
Notarial practice1
Obsolete / dated2
Proper and figurative1