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grd nstresses
el. заземление
Grd n
O&G диаграмма электрокаротажа с фокусировкой тока (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
GRD abbr.
abbr. grind; Ground Resolved Distance; Glycopeptide resistance detection (Millie); glycopeptide resistance detection (Millie)
abbr., agric. green rot detector
abbr., auto. General Electric Corporate Research and Development; groove root diameter
abbr., avia. Greenwood, South Carolina USA; Graphic Route Display; geophysics research direction; ground resolute distance
abbr., comp., net., IT Global Resource Director
abbr., ed., scient. Genetic Reconfiguration Of Dsps
abbr., el. global research and development; greatest response data
abbr., fin. Greek Drachma
abbr., geogr. ___
abbr., IT Drivers for GRX
abbr., law Global Depository Receipt (levanya)
abbr., med. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease; Gender Role Definition
abbr., media. Genealogical Research Directory
abbr., microbiol. Glycopeptide resistance detection test (Millie)
abbr., mil. Guard
abbr., mil., avia. geophysics research directorate
abbr., nautic. Geared
abbr., oil grade
abbr., scottish Gradual, Reciprocated Defensification; Gruppe fur Rustungdienste (Germany)
invest. Greek drachma
mil. ground detector
grd abbr.
abbr. ground; guard
abbr., busin. gradient; grading; grounded; guaranteed
abbr., earth.sc. granodiorite dikes
Grd abbr.
abbr. guard log; guard-electrode log (MichaelBurov); Radio Maint Tm ground radio maintenance team
grd. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. gradient
abbr., econ. guaranteed
polym. ground; grounded
grds abbr.
polym. grades
GRDS abbr.
abbr., scottish Generic Radar Display System
abbr., surg. gastric reduction duodenal switch (Natalya Rovina)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject