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grant [grɑ:nt] vstresses
gen. дать; жаловать; даровать; разрешать; допускать; пожаловать; предоставлять; разрешить; допустить; дозволять; официально предоставлять; согласиться; выдавать охранный документ; удовлетворить (просьбу: The mayor refused to grant my request for an interview. Lenochkadpr); исполнить (желание – a wish; обратите внимание, что в англ. желание исполняется не "чьё", а "кому": If you had a magic lamp and a genie who granted you three wishes, what would the three wishes be? • The old man tells them a story about a good fairy who granted a poor man three wishes. • One day, they found a genie in a lamp who said he would grant them each three wishes. LadyCunegonde); соглашаться; оказывать (напр., предпочтение Stas-Soleil); удовлетворять (просьбу и т.п.); выдавать (официальное разрешение, документ и т.п.); исполнять (желание); наделить (правом, полномочиями vlad-and-slav); дарить; отпускать; отпустить; наделять (grant someone the authority to do something Stas-Soleil); позволить (переводится по контексту с заменой конструкции, например: The highest log granted access to a rocky ledge. – С самого высокого бревна можно было перепрыгнуть на каменистый выступ. 4uzhoj); подарить; уступать; присуждать; назначать; назначить; предоставить
bank. предоставлять субсидию; выдать (кредит snowleopard)
busin. признавать правильность; давать право; подтверждать правильность; выдавать (документ Alexander Matytsin)
dipl. предоставлять (субсидию, дотацию и т.п.)
econ. давать субсидию
el. давать грант; предоставлять дотацию; обеспечивать финансирование; выдавать (разрешение)
formal выдать (официальное разрешение, документ, права, лицензию, визу и проч. официальные привилегии ART Vancouver); предоставить (официальное разрешение, документ, права, лицензию, визу и проч. официальные привилегии ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, book. октроировать (impf and pf)
Gruzovik, obs. аккордовать
inf. уважить (a request)
IT предоставлять (напр., шину в распоряжение процессора)
law отчуждать; передавать право собственности; передавать
law, court удовлетворить (напр., ходатайство одной из сторон: The court granted the motion for a new trial. 4uzhoj); удовлетворять (напр., ходатайство одной из сторон: The court granted the motion for a new trial. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. делать скидку (с налога); освобождать (от уплаты, ответственности); предоставлять судебную защиту; принимать; выдавать (субсидию)
mil. присвоить (воинское звание); присваивать (воинское звание)
nautic. давать дотацию (вк); субсидировать (вк)
notar. ассигновать; ассигновывать
obs. жаловать (to); пожаловать (to)
patents. выдать охранный документ; выдать; исполнить; обеспечивать; обеспечить
psychol. признавать
subl. ниспослать; послать (о боге: May God grant John and his family many years! 4uzhoj); даровать (о боге: Dear God, grant John heavenly rest, eternal peace, love and happiness. 4uzhoj); дать (о боге: May God grant John and his family many years! 4uzhoj)
grant to [grɑ:nt] v
Gruzovik, obs. жаловать (impf of пожаловать)
grant from heaven [grɑ:nt] v
Gruzovik, relig. ниспосылать (impf of ниспослать)
granted ['grɑ:ntɪd] adj.
take for granted
gen. предоставленный (The picks of the women's matches are clearly those granted special status.); предоставляемый (luggage allowances granted to passengers ABelonogov); дарованный (a minor territorial division of Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont originally granted by the state to an individual or institution); дозволенный; признанный; согласный; пусть; это притом что (YNell)
Gruzovik ассигнованный
Gruzovik, hist. жалованный; пожалованный
Makarov. разрешённый; допущенный; принятый
mil. согласен (код); "разрешаю"; "согласен" (код)
mil., avia. предоставленный
nautic. добро (ответ на запрос, просьбу)
uncom. учитывая то, что (synonym: given VLZ_58)
granted ['grɑ:ntɪd] adv.
gen. да (в знач. "признаю, согласен"; обыкн. перед противопоставлением: Granted, the music is not perfect, but the flaws are outweighed by the sheer joy of the piece. • Granted, the lack of pasta, oat milk and, of course, toilet paper was more a result of panic buying than an actual shortage of supply. • Granted, cab drivers represent only a small number of all road users, but nevertheless their behaviour raises questions about road safety. • He's a good student and usually does well. Granted, he did fail that one test, but I think there were good reasons for that. • Granted, Marie was two years older than her, but it wasn't a question of age. • He is a good player, granted, but no better than Williams was. 4uzhoj); согласен ("You haven't been a very good father." "Granted." • Granted, the music is not perfect, but the flaws are outweighed by the sheer joy of the piece. • Granted, he doesn't look too bad for his age, but I don't fancy him. • He is a good player, granted, but no better than Williams was.)
context. безусловно (в значении "да, признаю; да, согласен" VLZ_58); правда (в значении "да, это правда, что"; перед "но": He's a good student and usually does well. Granted, he did fail that one test, but I think there were good reasons for that. MargeWebley); не поспоришь (Abysslooker); конечно (в значении "да, признаю; да, согласен": "Certainly you're going for the two and you want four points on the weekend," Hamonic said. "Granted, the situation is what it is, so we'll take the point tonight certainly, but it's nothing to be happy about or satisfied about." VLZ_58)
mil. разрешаю
granted ['grɑ:ntɪd] conj.
granted that
gen. при условии, что; при условии; да (в значении "да, это правда, что" перед "но": He's a good student and usually does well. Granted, he did fail that one test, but I think there were good reasons for that.)
uncom. принимая во внимание (synonym: given: Granted the lack of evidence, we can make no such conclusion.); с учётом (synonym: given: Granted the lack of evidence, we can make no such conclusion. 4uzhoj); учитывая (synonym: given: Granted the lack of evidence, we can make no such conclusion. 4uzhoj)
 English thesaurus
granted ['grɑ:ntɪd] adj.
gen. used to mark the premise of a syllogistic argument (synonym: given: Granted that he has done nothing wrong, he should be set free. • Granted the lack of evidence, we can make no such conclusion. wiktionary.org)
granted ['grɑ:ntɪd] adv.
gen. used when you admit that something is true (synonym: admittedly: Granted, the music is not perfect, but the flaws are outweighed by the sheer joy of the piece. ldoceonline.com); used to concede a point, often before stating some contrasting information (synonym: admittedly: He's a good student and usually does well. Granted, he did fail that one test, but I think there were good reasons for that. • "You haven't been a very good father." "Granted." wiktionary.org); admittedly (Granted, he doesn't look bad for his age. collinsdictionary.com); used at the beginning of a clause to say that something is true before making a comment on it (Granted, he doesn't look too bad for his age, but I don't fancy him. collinsdictionary.com); used when you are admitting that something is true (He is a good player, granted, but no better than Williams was. macmillandictionary.com); admittedly ; it is true (used to introduce a factor which is opposed to the main line of argument but is not regarded as so strong as to invalidate it: Granted, Marie was two years older than her, but it wasn't a question of age. • Granted, I'm not a historian. But in all the years baseball has been played on this or any other continent, I don't think a team has ever won without scoring a run. • Granted, I'm not the man's ex-wife so I don't feel ‘cheated’ out of spending that time with him. • Granted I'm not completely done studying, but.. what is the point? lexico.com)
granted ['grɑ:ntɪd] conj.
gen. used to admit that something is true, before saying something else about it (Granted that the story's true, there's not a lot you can do about it. • Granted, many horror films don't make sense until the ending, but they at least provide a few scares along the way. • That is one reason why they have been so amazingly popular, granted that they are not particularly easy reading. • Granted that the word processor is indispensable, what good has it done? • Granted, cab drivers represent only a small number of all road users, but nevertheless their behaviour raises questions about road safety. cambridge.org); even assuming that (granted that: Granted that officers were used to making decisions, they still couldn't be expected to understand. thefreedictionary.com); used at the beginning of a clause to say that something is true before making a comment on it (Granted that the firm has not broken the law, is the law what it should be? collinsdictionary.com)
: 758 phrases in 70 subjects
Administrative law1
American usage, not spelling1
Armored vehicles1
Cliche / convention1
Corporate governance8
Criminal law2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development5
Foreign exchange market1
Gas processing plants2
Information security and data protection4
Information technology3
Mass media5
Municipal planning2
Notarial practice1
Obsolete / dated1
Oil / petroleum2
Oil and gas2
Private international law1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Sakhalin R5
Security systems4
United Nations1