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good fortunestresses
gen. счастливая судьба (WiseSnake); подарок судьбы (Inna Oslon); счастье; счастливый случай; удача (e.g., happiness and good fortune – счастье и удача // ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik благодать
Игорь Миг фарт (… it is a corruption of the word фортуна (fortune) and appeared as camp slang. \\mberdy.2019)
cliche. везение (“I was able to see it again a few weeks later at a distance in the wooded area. I watched it for about 30 seconds slowly moving throughout the woods and I will never forget my good fortune to encounter it…and to know this ‘creature’ truly does lives among us.” -- и я никогда не забуду, как мне повезло mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. талан
good fortune
: 50 phrases in 7 subjects
Cliche / convention2
Figure of speech1
Quotes and aphorisms1