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get wind ofstresses
get wind
gen. пронюхивать
idiom. стать известным (вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: The police got wind of the illegal drug deal. – Полиции стало известно о сделке по продаже наркотиков. • If the press gets wind of this, the campaign will be over. – Если об этом станет известно прессе, на кампании можно будет ставить крест.); узнать о (по слухам и т. п.: My favorite record store went out of business months ago, but I was out of town so I just got wind of it. • The cops got wind of his Swiss bank account and said he was embezzling money from the corporation. • If Mom gets wind of this prank we're planning, we'll be grounded for the rest of the summer. • I don't want the public, and especially not the press, to get wind of it at this stage.); пронюхать (о чём-либо: If the press gets wind of this, the campaign will be over.); прознать (о чём-либо 4uzhoj); проведать (о чём-либо: If the press gets wind of this, the campaign will be over. 4uzhoj); узнать (My favorite record store went out of business months ago, but I was out of town so I just got wind of it.); прослышать (о чём-либо Val_Ships); разнюхать (какую-либо новость: ...before the press gets wind of it Val_Ships)
get wind of
: 15 phrases in 5 subjects