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get one's facts straightstresses
get the facts straight; get one's facts right
gen. разобраться, что к чему (прежде чем что-то утверждать) To have the correct information about something, especially before criticizing someone or arguing with them: Before you start blaming us, you should get your facts straight. • You better get your facts straight before you accuse her of anything. • Then he needs to get his facts straight because I never said that! • I'm not sure they got the facts straight for this story. 4uzhoj)
 English thesaurus
get one's facts straight
gen. to have the correct information about something, especially before criticizing someone or arguing with them (Before you start blaming us, you should get your facts straight. macmillandictionary.com)
get facts straight
: 7 phrases in 3 subjects
Explanatory translation3