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fraudulently ['frɔ:djuləntlɪ] adv.stresses
gen. обманным путём; подложно; мошеннически; путём обмана (Stas-Soleil); нечестно
Gruzovik обманно; обманным способом; шарлатански
Gruzovik, inf. жульнически
law обманом (алинана); обманным образом, путём обмана; обманным образом; мошенническим путём (напр., о присвоении денежных средств: B.C.’s Supreme Court has ordered the estate of a dead woman to pay UBC $594,680 as a result of her fraud and wage theft. ...The audit’s conclusion was that Moscipan had engaged in various fraudulent actions, including stealing money from a dormant bank account to which she had exclusive access. It also found she was receiving 180 per cent of a full-time salary and had been giving herself raises for years by forging supervisors’ signatures. ...“As a result of Ms. Moscipan’s wage theft, Ms. Moscipan (and consequently the estate after her death) was enriched by the amount of $594,680.26,” Taylor said “It would therefore be unjust for the estate to retain property derived from funds that were fraudulently obtained by Ms. Moscipan.” (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects