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FPIC abbr.stresses
gen. программируемые пользователем компоненты межсоединений; СПОС cвободное, предварительное и обоснованное/осознанное согласие (free, prior and informed consent lew3579)
 English thesaurus
fpic abbr.
abbr. fixed price incentive contract
FPIC abbr.
abbr. F P I C Insurance Group, Inc.; Foster Partner In Care
abbr., el. field programmable interconnect chips; field-programmable interconnect chip
abbr., el., scient. Field Programmable Interconnect Chip
abbr., IT field-programmed interconnect components
abbr., law Free And Prior Informed Consent
abbr., mil., avia. fixed price incentive contract
abbr., space fixed-price incentive contracts
tech. field-programmable interconnect components