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forex/gold holdingsstresses
gen. золотовалютный резерв
fin. ЗВР (MichaelBurov); золотовалютные резервы (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
forex/gold holdings
abbr. forex reserves (MichaelBurov); foreign-exchange reserves (MichaelBurov); gold and foreign currency reserves (MichaelBurov); international liquidity (MichaelBurov); international reserve (MichaelBurov); international reserves gold and foreign exchange reserves (MichaelBurov); gold and currency reserves (MichaelBurov); foreign reserves (MichaelBurov); gold and forex reserves metallic reserve storing (MichaelBurov)
fin. FX reserves (MichaelBurov)