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FOC abbr.stresses
gen. безвозмездно
abbr. б / п
avia. камера обнаружения слабоконтрастных объектов
bank. бесплатный (free of charge)
comp., net. волоконно-оптический кабель
Gruzovik, econ. бесплатно (free of charge); франко-вагон условия поставки (free on car)
med. лобно-затылочный размер (Boris54)
FOC adv.
comp., net. волоконно-оптическая связь
 English thesaurus
foc abbr.
abbr. focal
FOC abbr.
abbr. Fan Off Control; Fiber Optic Cable / Communications; Fiber Optic Connector; Final Operational Capabilities; focus; FORSCOM Operations Center; Franchise Offering Circular; Freedom Of Choice; Freight Out Charge; Freshman Orientation Camp; Full Operating Capacity; Fuzhou, Mainland China; Free Of Charge; fiber-optic combiner; fiber-optic communication; fiber-optic connector
abbr., avia. Fuel/Oil Cooler (ВосьМой); flight operation control; fiber optic control; first operational capability; formal operational clearance
abbr., BrE flag officer-in-charge
abbr., busin. free-of-charge (tania_mouse); free on car (Johnny Bravo); free of commission; free on charge
abbr., commer. Full and Open Competition
abbr., commun. fiber-optic cable
abbr., comp., net. fiber optic cable; fiber optic communications; fiber-optics communications
abbr., comp.name. Fuji Oil Company
abbr., earth.sc. first-order conditions
abbr., el. faint object camera; fan-out connector; fiber-optic communications; fiber optic coupler; field-oriented control; floating ohmic contact; floating operation code; first-order condition
abbr., fishery Flags Of Convenience (bimba)
abbr., insur. Free of claim
abbr., med. frontal-occipital circumference
abbr., mil. future operations cell
abbr., mil., air.def. full operation capacity
abbr., mil., avia. factor of cooperation
abbr., O&G, casp. foreign oil company (raf)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. fiber optic communication
abbr., O&G, sakh. Fibre Optic Cable (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil fuel oil C; fuel oil cooler
abbr., physiol. Flight Of Colors test
abbr., railw. Fire Office Committee
abbr., scottish Final / Full Operational Capability; First of class (warship)
abbr., space fibre-optic control
abbr., telecom. fiber optical communication
abbr., textile free of claims
energ.ind. fixed operating costs; free on card
invest. free of charge
mil. farthest on circle; final operational capability; flag of convenience; flight operating costs; flight operations center; foreign object check; full operational capability
physiol. Flight of colors test
tech. fiber-optics conductor; fixed oil capacitor; focus of contraction; free on car price
foc: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
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