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fo nstresses
chinese.lang. фо (транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе ханьюй пиньинь Alex_Odeychuk)
Fo n
prop.name Фо
FO abbr.
gen. коэффициент разветвления по выходу
avia. второй пилот (First Officer Helenia)
comp., net. волоконная оптика
dril. градиент давления при гидроразрыве (fracture gradient)
el. волоконно-оптический; волоконно-оптическая линия связи; незаземлённый выход; с выходом в форме с плавающей запятой
Gruzovik, polit. Министерство иностранных дел Великобритания (Foreign Office)
Gruzovik, scient. волоконно-оптический (fiber-optical)
med. глазное дно (fundus oculi Adrax); фундоскопия (Adrax)
mil. передовой наблюдатель (Forward Observer WiseSnake); ПН (WiseSnake)
oil полностью доступен (Yeldar Azanbayev); арендуемый участок (farmout); котельное топливо; жидкое топливо (fuel oil); полнопроходной (full-opening)
 English thesaurus
fo abbr.
abbr. faced only
fo' n
black.sl. for (Alex_Odeychuk)
fo. abbr.
abbr., econ. following
FO abbr.
abbr. Face-Off (hockey Alex Lilo); Factory Outlet (UK shopping channel Alex Lilo); Far Out (Alex Lilo); fast operate (relay); Fiber-Optic (s Alex Lilo); Forli (postcode, Italy Alex Lilo); Formatting Object (XSL Alex Lilo); Formosa (Argentina province, airline code Alex Lilo); Front Office (Alex Lilo); Forward Observer; flat oval; foldout; Faroese
abbr., anim.husb. feeble oestrus
abbr., astronaut. Forestry Department (FAO)
abbr., auto. fist-operating relay; fault code; fiber fibre optics; fuel octane
abbr., avia. flight object; facilities order; factory order; fold out; forward observation
abbr., biol. frontal-occipital
abbr., BrE flying officer
abbr., commun. fibre tail; fat fibre; forward-biased operation; fibre loss; fibre-based; fibre in the loop system; fibre to the home cabling; four-port coupler
abbr., comp., net. fiber optics
abbr., drw. field outlet
abbr., econ. functional objective
abbr., el. fiber optical; follow on; follow-on; forced oscillation; form-overlay; free operator
abbr., electr.eng. fiber-optical; forced outage; flashover
abbr., IT fan-out
abbr., med. foramen ovale (harser); fronto-occipital
abbr., med., lat. foramen ovule; fossa ovalis
abbr., mil. flag officer; flash override; forward observer; for orders
abbr., mil., avia. fail operative
abbr., oil farmout; fuel operated; faulted out; full opening
abbr., opt. fiber optic
abbr., physiol. Foreign Object
abbr., polit. Faroe Islands
abbr., polym. fuel oil
abbr., scottish Fibre Optics; Flag Officer (UK Royal Navy)
abbr., shipb. fire order
abbr., tech. fragmentary order
energ.ind. facility owner
energ.ind., abbr. unit cross-section
mil. firing order
mil., abbr. fallout; fast operating; field office; field officer; field operational; field order; finance officer; first officer; fitting-out; flight operations; flight order; flying operations; foreign object
O&G, abbr. flushing oil; fully open
tech. fail open; fiber optic link
tech., abbr. Fourier number; Fourier optics; fade-out; fast-operating; feature output; filter output; floating output; full-opening; natural frequency
Fo abbr.
abbr. formation factor deduced from total porosity; Fourier criterion; flickout; Franco-
abbr., earth.sc. oxidizing flame
FO IFO abbr.
abbr., nautic. Fuel Oil/Intermediate FO
Fo. abbr.
abbr. folio
FO abbr.
abbr. fan out
abbr., avia. First Officer also called a co-pilot (второй пилот Val_Ships); free overside (overboard); fabrication order; fabrication outline; fail operational; full open
abbr., busin. folio; for order; Foreign Office; forwarding order; full outturn
abbr., chess.term. force out
abbr., earth.sc. fenestra ovalis; Finn Offer; foliate; forsterite
abbr., econ. free out; foreign exchange outflow; in favour of
abbr., electric. oil-immersed forced-oil-cooled
abbr., fin. family office (Krio)
abbr., O&G. tech. Flow orifice (aelita1791)
abbr., oil factory only; fade out; fatty oil; final open; firm offer; firm order; fixed oil; foliated; forward order; full out terms
abbr., space flight path
abbr., textile full out turn
FO% abbr.
abbr., sport. face-off won in percentage from total face-offs
FO+/- abbr.
abbr., sport. face-off net
FO- abbr.
abbr., sport. face-off lost
FO+ abbr.
abbr., sport. face-off won
: 67 phrases in 28 subjects
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