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noun | verb | to phrases
fiend [fi:nd] nstresses
dope fiend
gen. изверг (an evil or cruel person cambridge.org); злейший враг; злой дух; бес; сатанинское исчадие
crim.jarg. торчок (от dope fiend; Am.E.: I roll with my fiends, I love 'em to death Taras)
fig. злодей; монстр; чудище (Notburga); чудовище (Notburga); знаток; изувер (Mr.Gone)
fig.of.sp. гений (at something – чего-либо, в какой-то обл.: a fiend at mathematics 4uzhoj); кудесник (at something – чего-либо, в какой-то обл.: a fiend at mathematics 4uzhoj)
folk., poetic ворог
inf., fig.of.sp. одержимый (Wodehouse may not have liked Dickens, but he certainly read him. He read like a fiend. 4uzhoj); жертва (какой-либо вредной привычки; в контексте); фанатик (Burdujan); одержимый человек (Burdujan); раб (какой-либо привычки); человек, имеющий дурную привычку; фанат (a golf fiend • Of course, this year's winning engineers aren't all just inventing new forms of damage control–there are a few not-so-simple pleasures on the list, for Star Wars buffs and robot fiends alike.); человек, пристрастившийся к (чему-либо: a dope fiend); человек, страдающий зависимостью от (чего-либо; переводится по ситуации: His hands were trembling, actually trembling, as if he were some sort of coffee fiend or something.)
inf., humor. энтузиаст (чего-либо: As any bottle blonde or hot tool fiend will tell you, hair conditioners are great and necessary but a deep-treatment hair mask is the real superstar for keeping your locks soft and moisturized.)
obs. враг; противник
uncom. асмодей (Супру)
Fiend [fi:nd] n
rel., christ. дьявол; враг рода человеческого; демон; сатана; Враг; диавол; Ворог
fiend [fi:nd] v
sl., drug. быть на измене (AlexanderGerasimov)
slang жаждать (As soon as I finish a cigarette I'm fiending to light another. I'm fiending for some new shoes dictionary.com AlisaReinard); очень хотеть (As soon as I finish a cigarette I'm fiending to light another. I'm fiending for some new shoes dictionary.com AlisaReinard)
 English thesaurus
fiend [fi:nd] n
fig. a person of great wickedness or maliciousness (merriam-webster.com)
inf. a person extremely devoted to a pursuit or study (a fanatic: a golf fiend merriam-webster.com); addict (a dope fiend • His hands were trembling, actually trembling, as if he were some sort of coffee fiend or something. • Wodehouse may not have liked Dickens, but he certainly read him. He read like a fiend. merriam-webster.com)
rel., christ. devil
: 51 phrases in 11 subjects
Criminal jargon1
Drug-related slang13