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field trainstresses
gen. обоз второго разряда; полевой обоз; хозяйственный транспорт
mil. тыловой транспорт второго эшелона
field-train ['fi:ldtreɪn]
gen. обоз второго разряда; полевой обоз; хозяйственный транспорт (части)
 English thesaurus
field trains
mil., logist. All the troop unit’s assets which are needed for the sustenance of the combat, but whose presence in the vicinity of the basic tactical units hinders the tactical action. They mainly include the administrative, food and water supply, and eventually heavy maintenance elements. These assets are usually under the authority of the commander of the troop unit’s finance and administration service. (FRA)
field- train
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects