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field exercisestresses
Gruzovik, mil. полевой выезд; полевой выход; выход в поле; манёвры
mil. полевое учение
field exercises
agric. занятия в полевых условиях (solegate)
Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan field exercise
energ.ind. учения, проводимые по Федеральному плану реагирования на чрезвычайные ситуации, связанные с радиационной опасностью
 English thesaurus
field exercise
mil., logist. An exercise conducted in the field under simulated war conditions in which troops and armament of one side are actually present, while those of the other side may be imaginary or in outline. (FRA)
field exercise
: 49 phrases in 6 subjects
Energy industry1
Weapons and gunsmithing1