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feisty ['faɪstɪ] adj.stresses
gen. целеустремлённый (решительный, с характером; Origin: late 19th cent.: from earlier feist, fist "small dog", from fisting cur or hound, a derogatory term for a lapdog, from Middle English fist "break wind", of West Germanic origin; determined and full of energy, and not afraid to say what you think and argue with people – used especially when you admire this person. Feisty is often used about women: a feisty young woman; a feisty lady; In the film she plays a feisty young woman who is smarter than all the men put together; a feisty kid with a mind of his own; the city's feisty mayor Taras); склочный; злющий; дерзкий (leosel); настойчивый (leosel); пробивной (leosel); пылкий (tfennell); отважный; смелый; храбрый; решительный (leosel); вздорный; с характером (Liv Bliss); бойкий (Taras)
amer. боевой (when qualifying a person – о человеке Maggie); боевой (when qualifying a person – о человеке Maggie)
amer., inf. сварливый
inf. запальчивый (george serebryakov); резвый (george serebryakov); беспокойный (george serebryakov); неугомонный (george serebryakov); суетливый (george serebryakov); боевитый (active, forceful, and determined (Cambridge Dictionary) : She’s a feisty kid who is not afraid to challenge authority. (Cambridge Dictionary) • I know I'm not a spring chicken. I'm a feisty little lady who can kick anyone's butt! ART Vancouver)
slang вспыльчивый; раздражительный; темпераментный; агрессивный (feisty means aggressive and loud oldmanandthesea)
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
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