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gen. самый покупаемый (Anglophile); самый ходовой (Anglophile); быстрее всего раскупаемый (Anglophile)
commer. самый раскупаемый (товар: Having embraced the kiwi, the mango and the pomegranate we are now, it seems, passionate about persimmons. Supermarkets including Asda reported sales of the yellowy-orange, usually tomato-shaped fruits more than doubled last year to more than 4m, making them the fastest-selling exotic fruit in the country. theguardian.com ART Vancouver)
econ. ходкий; быстро продающийся
of merchandise fast-selling
inf. ходкий
Gruzovik, inf. ходовой
fastest -selling: 1 phrase in 1 subject