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fancy pants ['fænsɪpænts]stresses
inf. выкрутасы (Now if he meant to ditch his gun, why not do it where he did his killing? Why take the risk of going into another apartment to do it? Why the fancy pants? – К чему эти выкрутасы? (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
inf., disappr. щёголь (zhlobenko); фраер (zhlobenko); пижон (zhlobenko)
amer. модница (неодобр. Taras)
inf., disappr. модный (If you are not looking for something fancy pants, I think Romano's Pizza will be fine for a quick meal. ART Vancouver); претенциозный (chilin); расфуфыренный
Игорь Миг, inf., disappr. разодетый; расфранченный; вылощенный; разодетый в пух и прах; принаряженный
Fancy Pants ['fænsɪpænts]
animat. Фэнсипентс (имя единорога из мультсериала "My Little Pony" Баян)
 English thesaurus
fancy pants ['fænsɪpænts]
inf., disappr. a person wearing fancy clothing; a member of a social elite (From what I hear fancy pants is dancing real good with that fat pig. wiktionary.org); a person very concerned with their appearance (This fancy pants is tryin' to steal my gal away from me! wiktionary.org); an overly dressed up person (With his Fedora and his high end wines, he's your basic fancy pants and then some. urbandictionary.com); an over-sophisticated person or thing (With his Fedora and his high end wines, he's your basic fancy pants and then some. urbandictionary.com)
inf., disappr. overly fancy with little function; newfangled; complicated (What are you planning to do with that fancy-pants machine? • Fortified by years of greasy spoon eating, he's since borrowed nicer clothes to sneak into the more fancy-pants places. • The front room is a fun, inclusive (read: sing-along) place, with the back reserved for more fancy-pants cabaret events wiktionary.org); superior or high-class in a pretentious way (A fancy-pants restaurant • In fact, I don't even think the fancy-pants restaurant has a changing table in the bathroom. • No fancy-pants lawyer would be able to sandbag me with illogical arguments, or Oprah melodrama. • That's why I was very excited to discover a small oasis of fancypants food in my neighborhood, called Choice. • When I was a kid we had to wear turtle shells and we didn't have any fancypants space Velcro to keep them on. • He is leaving the midwest and moving to fancy-pants San Francisco for some girl. • Many feature films make him wear a fancy-pants wig. • Anyway, I ordered some kind of fancy-pants beer from Ireland, called Smithwick's or some deal. • If you have a fancy-pants burning program, use that. • They put me up in this really fancy-pants place. • Felidia is this fancy-pants restaurant owned by Lydia, who is apparently a chef with a show on PBS. • Lisa's wary of expensive over-priced fancy-pants food. • I persisted, and we agreed that I could take the class with all these fancypants designers on probation. • Their money is as green as any fancy-pants grant. • I'm from West Virginia and don't usually go in for such fancy-pants things, but my wife convinced me to give it a try. • Toney and I attended a "travel show" last Saturday, at the new fancy-pants Hilton in downtown Scranton. • Beyond using simple, accurate language, you can use fancy-pants words. • "Blanching" is simply a fancy-pants way of saying boil for a minute or two. • Sometimes those fancy-pants restaurants are all style and no substance, but this place delivered. • And I venture to suggest that he makes most literary fancypants self-obsessives look like the rank amateurs that they are. • I owe you kitchenfuls of baked goods filled with expensive chocolate and fancy-pants butter. lexico.com); pretentious or fancy in an extreme or excessive way (Use of this phrase often indicates the speaker's annoyance: I'd rather go to a ball game than another one of your fancy-pants corporate events. • We don't need a fancy-pants vacuum, we just need one that can suck up dirt. thefreedictionary.com); overly elegant or refined; la-di-da (merriam-webster.com); fancy or snobbish; foppish; dandified (collinsdictionary.com)
fancy pants
: 3 phrases in 1 subject